silver lining | roman

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Dedicated to YourFatherSatan


A new school, a new beginning. Those words were being repeated in his head like a mantra as he tried to soothe his nerves. (Y/N) and his family moved to Hemlock Grove half way through summer for his fathers' new job at Godfrey Industries. This meant that (Y/N) was to start at Hemlock Grove High for his senior year.

"Excited for you first day?" His mother asks as she plates some pancakes and a few pieces of bacon for him.

He nods although his nerves are making his stomach twist and knot.

"I've heard great things about the school, I'm sure you'll love it," she says as she hands him the plate.

He smiles as he takes it. "I hope so," he says, placing the plate down before him. He's too nervous to eat so he just pokes at it with his fork.

A few minutes later, his father comes into the kitchen, garbed up in his suit as it's his first day, too.

"Well look at my handsome boys," his mother says before giving her husband a quick kiss.

"Ready to go, son?" His father asks.

(Y/N) nods, grabbing his coat and backpack before giving his mother a quick kiss on the cheek and rushing out the door to the car.

The ride to school is silent as both (Y/N) and his father are too nervous to even speak. When they finally arrive at the school, they say their quick goodbyes then (Y/N) is off.

(Y/N) keeps to himself as he strolls down the large, empty hall. He had to come early so his father could make it to work on time.

When he gets to the office, he walks up to the secretary's desk.

"Hi there, my name's (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and, um, it's my first day here, so," he says.

The secretary gives him a warm smile. "Well, welcome to Hemlock Grove High, (Y/N). You have your class schedule, yes?" She asks.

(Y/N) nods.

"Alrighty then, all you need is your locker," she says before she goes back to her computer and begins to vigorously type.

As he's standing there, someone else walks into the office. (Y/N) does a double take at the tall, dark haired boy. (Y/N) can't seem to take his gaze off of the boy as he takes in his striking features and his emerald green eyes. The boy then suddenly snaps his attention towards (Y/N) so (Y/N) quickly looks away, a light blush appearing on his face. From the corner of his eye, he could've sworn he saw the boy smirk but he shakes it off, embarrassed enough as it is.

(Y/N) manages to make it to the first two classes without problems, mainly because no ones even really acknowledging his presence.

He manages to find his locker through the sea of the student body and as he approaches it, a force shoves him from behind, making him collide with his locker. He then hears laughter from behind him.

"Hey, new kid, thought I'd help you find your locker," someone says before a hand clamps around (Y/N)'s shoulder, forcing him to turn around. He's now faced with three boys, all with diabolic smiles and dark eyes.

"How nice of you, Duke," another says as they all continue to laugh.

"Welcome to Hemlock High," he snarls before shoving him back again and leaving.

The students around are staring at (Y/N) as he stands there, dumbfounded. He hasn't even been at the school for a full day and he's already being harassed. It's going to be a long year.

The following day, (Y/N) chooses to eat his lunch under the bleachers as he tries to avoid the bullies. He's seated on an empty crate, eating his sandwich when it's suddenly slapped out of his hand, scattering all across the cement.

"Thought you could hide from us, huh new kid?" The one named Duke says, leaning down to face him.

(Y/N) takes a deep breath.

"He asked you a question you fucking idiot," the other one snarls before forcefully shoving him off the crate. (Y/N) can feel the skin peel from the heels of his palms as he hits the ground, he winces at the sting.

"What the fuck's going on?" A new voice says from behind them.

Everyone snaps their attention towards the new presence. To (Y/N)'s surprise, it's the dark-haired boy from the office.

"Get out of here," the tall boy says to them, his striking features holding a prominent look of anger.

The boys just laugh. "What's Roman Godfrey gonna do, huh? Call your mommy? Your giant freak of sister?"

The boy named Roman takes a few long strides towards the shorter boys and instead of punching him or shoving him – like any normal teenage boy would – he just stares deep into his eyes.

"Kiss him," he snarls.

What the fuck is going on, (Y/N) thinks.

The boy hesitates.

"I said, kiss. Him."

The boy then turns to one of the other boys, clear fear in his face as he seems to try and fight against . . . himself.

Roman smiles as the boy struggles towards his friend and leans in, connecting his lips with his friends. The look on his face when he pulls away is priceless. It looks like he just sucked all the juice out of a lemon.

"What the fucks wrong with you, Duke?" His friend says before running off, wiping away at his mouth. Duke follows.

Once they're gone, Roman rushes over to (Y/N) who's still on the ground, looking up at him in complete shock.

"Are you okay?" Roman asks.

(Y/N) gives him a crooked look. "Did you just mind control them?" (Y/N) asks, wondering if he's in a dream or not.

Roman laughs before reaching down and taking (Y/N)'s scraped hands in his.

"Come with me, these need to be cleaned up," Roman says.

(Y/N)'s body moves before his mind does as Roman helps him to his feet and guides him towards the school with his hand on the small of his back.

"I'm Roman," he says as they walk.

"(Y/N)," he manages to mutter.

Roman takes (Y/N) into the bathroom, locking the door behind them.

"Have a seat," Roman says.

"On the counter?" (Y/N) asks.

"Or stand, up to you."

"I'll stand."

Roman laughs again as he takes piece of paper towels and gets it damp under the tap.

"Show me," he says to (Y/N) as he lifts his hands, exposing his raw palms. "This is gonna sting."

He then dabs the towel to his palms and he's right; it does sting. (Y/N) winces, pulling his hands away.

"I told you," Roman says. "Here, I'll be gentle." He takes (Y/N)'s hands again, his touch as soft as a feather.

(Y/N) looks up at Roman as the tall boy intently focuses on cleaning his palms. He is very handsome, everything about him is seemingly perfect. The silver lining to (Y/N)'s situation.

"There, that should be good," Roman says as he tosses the bloody paper towel in the trash can.

"Thank you, Roman," (Y/N) says.

Roman smiles. "Tell you what, you can thank me by letting me take you to dinner," Roman says.

(Y/N) smiles, too, the first time he's done this since moving to Hemlock Grove.

"Why not," he says.

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