reunited | bill

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Dedicated to evaoli
(Y/C/N) = Your/Countries/Name


She emerged through the gate, towing her suitcase behind her. As she continued down the ramp, she searched the sea of people - who were eager to meet their returning loved ones - for a familiar face. After a few sweeps of the crowd, she ended up fruitless, not a familiar face in sight. She slumped her shoulders with a downhearted sigh. All of a sudden, a shriek sounded from behind her, causing her to jump and snap her attention towards it's origin. Sure enough, her good friend, (Y/F/N), was standing behind her with her arms outstretched in a welcoming manner.

"You're here!" She cheered before enveloping her friend in a tight hug. (Y/N) couldn't help but laugh at her friends outburst, it was the exact kind of welcome home she'd expect from her.

(Y/F/N) pulled away but kept her hands on (Y/N)'s shoulders. "It's been, what, two, three years?" She inquired, racking her brain for a clue as to when they saw each other last.

(Y/N) nodded. "It's been three and a half," she corrected, unable to shake her joyous grin.

(Y/N) had to leave Sweden for her job which meant most of her relationships  had diminished. The only one she managed to hold was with (Y/F/N) so it made sense that she would be staying with the young woman while she re-visited the place she once called home.

(Y/F/N) took (Y/N)'s suitcase from her grasp before linking arms and guiding her out to the parking lot where she was parked.

"We are definitely going out tonight. I don't care if you're tired, you're getting a proper Swedish welcome," (Y/F/N) informed in a firm tone as she threw the suitcase in her trunk. (Y/N) snickered, knowing full well there was no disobeying her friends demand.

Later on that evening, after (Y/N) was all settled in (Y/F/N)'s apartment, the two got ready in their best bar-hopping attire and headed out for a night of enjoyment in which they'd forget the following morning. The two hailed a cab and requested to be taken to the nearest bar where they'd start their evening with a couple drinks and laughs then move onto the next one.

"Everyone was so shocked when they found out you had moved to (Y/C/N). It was honestly chaos," (Y/N/N) said, taking a sip of her drink.

(Y/N) hated saying goodbye so she decided it would've been best that she left with as little people knowing as possible.

A wave of guilt coursed through (Y/N) as her grin faded. "I feel terrible," she admitted, tracing the rim of her glass with her finger.

"Honestly, I think the one who took it the hardest was Bill. He completely changed when you left, became so focused on his work and nothing else," (Y/F/N) noted, only adding to (Y/N)'s growing pit of guilt.

(Y/N)'s heart plummeted at thought of her former beau crashing down because of her. The two had a small thing before (Y/N) had left however, she was gone before things got too intense and official.

(Y/N) cleared her throat. "Have you heard from him since?" She asked.

(Y/N/N) shook her head. "Nope. We were only friends because of you so when you left, we kind of drifted apart," she replied before downing the last of her drink.

(Y/N) then finished her drink in one take, the liquor burning her throat as it slid down.

Right as the two were preparing to leave, (Y/F/N) froze, her eyes opening wide. (Y/N) noticed and instantly stopped what she was doing. It looked as though (Y/F/N) had seen a ghost.

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