mine | roman

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Warning: Mature Content
(Y/M/N) = Your/Mothers/Name
(Y/L/N) = Your/Last/Name


"Ready for the dance, (Y/N)?" (Y/M/N) called from the bottom of the stairs.

(Y/N) took one last glance at herself in the mirror, adjusting anything that was out of place. Noticing nothing, she gave herself a nod of approval before trekking downstairs.

Her mothers eyes sparkled as she came down the stairs. "You look absolutely beautiful," she said, holding her clasped hands up at her mouth with a wide grin.

"Thanks, mom," (Y/N) said with a smile, looking down at her black, long-sleeved, sequined, dress that hung just above her knees.

"What time is Roman picking you up?" (Y/M/N) asked as she made her way back into the kitchen with (Y/N) close behind her.

"He should be here soon," she replied, looking up at the clock and noticing that her date was cutting it close.

(Y/M/N) also looked up at the clock, "I hope he gets here soon. I want to get some pictures of my beautiful daughter and her dashing boyfriend." Her mother winked.

(Y/N) blushed at her words.  "He's not my boyfriend!" She instantly retorted. "We're just . . . really good friends and that's all."

(Y/M/N) rolled her eyes as she grabbed a jug of ice tea out of the fridge and poured a glass for the both of them. "Honey, don't forget, I was teenager too. Plus, I'm your mother so I have a sixth sense for these kinds of things," she said. (Y/N) didn't bother arguing with her because she knew she would lose. Instead, she took a sip of her drink.

Minutes had passed before the door bell rang, meaning Roman had finally arrived. "Oh! He's here!" (Y/M/N) cheered, almost as if she was more excited to see him than (Y/N) was.

"Hello, Roman," (Y/M/N) welcomed with a large grin, ushering the man inside.

Roman returned the friendly smile. "Good evening, Mrs. (Y/L/N)." When his eyes landed on (Y/N), a blush crept up his neck. "(Y-Y/N), you look . . . beautiful," he breathlessly said, swallowing the lump of adoration in his throat. 

(Y/N)'s heart began to beat wildly at his words. "You look quite dapper yourself, Roman."

After about a half hour of (Y/M/N) taking countless photos of the two, it was finally time they headed for the dance.

"You two love birds have fun!" Her mother called from the doorway as Roman opened the passenger door to his cherry-red classic car for his date. They both laughed off her mothers senseless comment however, as Roman was headed around to the drivers side, (Y/N) shot her mother a disapproving glare.

"What does your mom mean by that?" Roman asked as he roared the engine.

(Y/N) didn't know how to respond to his question so she said the first thing that came to mind: "Oh, nothing. One too many glasses of wine." Roman laughed, only half believing what she said.

The ride to the school was silent but it was a comfortable silence. Throughout the ride, (Y/N) would sneak glances at Roman, admiring his striking features and when she wasn't looking at him, he was admiring her. Her mother was right, she did have feelings for him, however, she was too scared to admit to those feelings seeing as though he was her closest friend. What if he didn't feel the same way? It could completely destroy everything they had.

What she didn't know, was Roman carried those same feelings for her.

"How's Shelley?" (Y/N) asked, breaking the silence in attempt to spark a conversation.

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