haunted by her past (2) | bill

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Haunted by her Past part 2/4


The whole night she tossed and turned as she lay awake, gazing out the window at the bright moon which shone into their shared bedroom. Once in the night Bill woke and asked if she was okay then quickly drifted back to sleep. She couldn't get Jack off of her mind. She knew that there was no way he could find her, that was nearly impossible. But for some reason, the whole situation was still picking at her mind.

Eventually the sun came up and to her surprise, she had fallen asleep but didn't realize it until she had woken up. Bill was already up and gone and she noticed that he had left a now cold mug of coffee on her bed stand, considering she usually got up with him or soon after. She checked the clock and realized it was already ten o'clock, and she had to start work at eleven. Pushing Jack to the back of her mind, she sprung out of bed and got ready.

On her way out the door, she quickly sent Vivienne a text to meet her for lunch on her break. By the time she got into her car, Vivienne replied in agreement. On her way out of the underground parking garage, she caught a glimpse of what looked to be a man on the other end, watching her intently as she left. She didn't get a good look at him before she was out and onto the street but it did strike her a slightly strange. After seeing him, an image of her high school boyfriend, Logan, popped into her head. She shook her head, gripping the steering wheel tighter as she tried to rid his face of her thoughts.

Her work day went by slower than usual, not being able to get as much work done as she usually would. By the time her break rolled around, she grabbed her belongings and went to the restaurant where she was meeting Vivienne. When she arrived, her friend was already seated by the window, gazing down at the menu.

"For how many?" The hostess asked, a bright smile on her face. "I'm meeting someone," (Y/N) responded as she made her way towards the table, trying her absolute best to carve her lips into a meaningless grin.

Vivenne then spotted her and jumped up. "Hey, beautiful!" she cheered, wrapping her arms around her old friend. This time, (Y/N)'s smile was real at the encounter.

"Okay, here's what I'm thinking," Vivienne started. "We get like four appetizers and just share, like old times," she laughed. "I like that," (Y/N) agreed, picking up her menu to pick two of the four appetizers.

For the first part of their lunch, they caught up with each other on how they've been, considering it had been at least a month since they saw each other last. (Y/N) learned that Vivienne was seeing a new guy who just happened to be where they were from and moved to Sweden because of an ex but never went back when they broke up. (Y/N) didn't really have much to share on her life, just that her and Bill were going strong and were perfectly content where they were at the time.

"Hey Viv, do you remember a guy named Jack Nielsen from high school?" (Y/N) asked, crossing her arms on the table and leaning onto them.

Vivienne racked her brain for a moment then shook her head, not noticeably bothered by the question. "No, why?" She asked, taking a sip of her drink.

"Oh, just that he reached out to me on twitter the other day and it got really strange really fast," (Y/N) replied.

"How so?" Vivienne's focus then closed in on (Y/N), now more interested in the matter.

"He messaged me and said we went to high school together and then said we had a thing and once it got really weird, I blocked him," she replied.

"Show me the messages," Vivienne suggested. (Y/N) agreed and handed her the phone with the messages already open. Vivienne read through them then clicked on his profile and instantly her demeanor changed.

"(Y/N), remember my neighbor Cassidy Vincent?" Vivienne asked, seeming a little fazed. (Y/N) slowly nodded. "That's her dog, Jupiter," she said, pulling out her phone and showing her the same picture on Cassidy's facebook.

(Y/N) was so confused, she had to sit back and regain herself. "Does Cassidy have a brother?" She asked. Vivienne shook her head. "Only a younger sister," she replied.

There was only one explanation for this, Jack Nielsen wasn't a real person.

"Babe, you're being catfished," Vivienne then said. "But still, what he said to you, that's creepy. Does Bill know?" she asked. (Y/N) just nodded, her brows knitted together in concentration.

Vivienne noticed her friends state of unease so she reached across the table and took (Y/N)'s hand in hers. 

"Don't stress too much, (Y/N), you blocked him and he hasn't tried to reach out to you in any other way, there's nothing more you can do. Just relax a little, after work go home, see Bill, have hot steamy sex and all will be well," Vivienne said in reassurance. (Y/N) couldn't help but release a laugh at her friends interesting way of comforting her.

After their lunch, (Y/N) went back to work and hunkered down to get as much done as possible to she could go home on the earlier side. Bill finished at five and would be home by five-thirty so she wanted to be home to see him, especially after the revelations she had had during her lunch break.

She got home earlier than she had thought and noticed Bill's car wasn't yet in the driveway, which made sense. She then thought it would be a good idea if she had dinner ready for when Bill got home. The two had made a deal that whoever got home first would make dinner. However, she was too tired to cook so she decided that ordering in would be their meal for the evening.

Once upstairs, she entered her apartment, fully expecting it to be dark and untouched since the morning. To her surprise, a few candles were lit on the table accompanied by a vase of flowers and two plates full of what looked to be her favorite food. It smelled absolutely delicious. A smile grew on her face at the thought of her beloved coming home early to surprise her with such a romantic meal.

"Bill?" She called, dropping her keys in the dish by the door and her bag on the counter. There was no response.

"Bill?" She called again, looking in the bedroom and the bathroom but not finding him.

She then decided to call him, thinking that he had probably run out to grab something. After a few rings, Bill answered.

"Hey, beautiful," he greeted.

"Hey baby, where'd you go? This dinner looks amazing," she said tucking her lower lip between her teeth.

"What dinner? I'm still at work," he said, his voice laced with concern.

Teasingly she said, "oh yeah? Then who made this romantic candle lit meal, then?" She asked.

"(Y/N), listen to me, you need to get out of there right now, do you understand?" He said, his voice deep and filled with concern.

"Bill, what do you mean, what's happening?" She asked, completely transitioning into a state of panic.

"I haven't been home all day, someone's in the apartment and you need to leave. I'm coming home," he said.

Her heart was now ramming against her chest in fear. "Bill-" she was then cut off by a force smashing into the back of her head, sending her unconscious onto the floor.

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