*villager noise*(EW OLD)

Start from the beginning

I glanced at Horror helplessly. He shrugged and took his ax from his inventory. "Looks like we're doing this the hard way." Horror took one step and immediately dove onto the ground, kicking my ankle and sending me crashing down in time to hear a blaster firing. A ray of heated magic exploded overhead, the floor shuddering from the intensity of the blast. Something clattered to the ground, and a cold feeling slithered down my spine. Slowly, reluctantly, I looked for the origin of the ruckus and found a golden pole with ruined fabric fastened to it. A curtain. The cold spread to my soul, dread freezing me in place.

"Oh, shi-" Horror was interrupted by another blaster charging up, and an enraged shout. "What the hell, Dust?! Nightmare is going to beat us!" Horror tried to cut in, "Hey, wait-" Once again, he was interrupted.

"Why are you blaming me? I didn't do shit!"

"Guys, c'mon-!"

"That was your blaster!"

"You threatened me!"

"I didn't fire a damn blaster though!"


"You little-!"

"That's enough."

Dust and Killer both froze, bright blue strings zipping around and covering their mouths, preventing them from moving. Horror, who had stood up at some point, offered me a hand. "You two would be dead by now if I were Nightmare." I let him haul me up to my feet, dusting myself off and thanking him inaudibly. Error continued to scold Dust and Killer. "Be grateful that I am not going to report who created this mess." He released Killer and jerked his head towards me. Killer didn't hesitate to take his place beside me, his knife disappearing inside his jacket sleeve. I glanced up at him, "Let's go before we get in any more trouble." 

He shrugged and started steering me away from Error and the others. "Now, if I recall accurately, I believe you were told to return to your responsibilities." Just before we rounded the corner, I managed to hear Error give Dust his punishment. "You are grounded." Dust's cry of outrage and Horror's laughter chased us down the corridor, ultimately fading with distance. As soon as we reached my room or my old room door, Killer chuckled and grinned down at me. "Serves him right." When I didn't respond, he sighed and dropped the smile. "Sorry."

"You should've stopped when I said to. None of this would've happened." He stayed silent, and I continued. "I know you hate Dust, and I know you don't like him making fun of me, but unless it physically harms me, or anyone else, you shouldn't step in like that. I don't want you to get hurt or to get in trouble." I gave him a weak smile, "I can handle myself, Killer. Right now, I need you to help me pack my stuff." He moved his hand to rest on my skull and smiled back, his grin wider than mine, and full of brotherly affection. 

"Let's get this over with. On the bright side, your new room is much closer to mine, which is much, much closer to the kitchen." I managed a laugh, "Late night snacks?" Killer snorted and went to open the door, winking at me, "You're damn right. Hot chocolate at three a.m. sounds nice, doesn't it?" Killer went in first, waiting until I'd joined him before closing the door and studying my room. I cringed at the ghastly display, smiling nervously when Killer spun to face me, skeletal brow lifted incredulously. "What the actual frick."

The bedroom, unsurprisingly, was a disaster. I hadn't bothered to fix my bed, and I was in a rush when I woke up, so the covers were scattered across the stained carpet. My clothes are a nuisance, so getting dressed requires me to roll around and nearly scream in frustration. That is my only excuse for the tossed hangers laying about and the random knives stuck in the walls. The muddy carpet was soiled with unexplained substances, although some I could recognize as blood or spirits. A small table that was wedged between my bed and the closet door had bottles of medication scattered over the grimy surface. Topping it all off were the numerous articles of clothing that had been flung haphazardly across the floor.

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