Chapter 1

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Becky's POV


I heard my phone ringing in the back of my mind as I slept and I tried to ignore it. Suddenly the phone went silent and I snuggled into my bedsheets in content.

I huffed as I grouchily picked up the phone without even bothering to look at the caller ID.

"What?" I said sharply into the phone.

"Red? Can you please come over, it's urgent" he said distressed with a blaring cry in the background.

"Seth, what the fuck? What is that in the back?" I questioned.

"Please Becks, I need you. I swear to God I will pay you to come if you really need a reason to get over here" he begged.

"A hundred dollars?" I questioned.

"Jesus, Rebecca, yes that's fine please just get your ass over here" he begged.

"Fine, fine, I'm going quit your crying Sally" i said putting on my boots as noticed it was raining out.

"Thank God, your a life saver. See you soon!" He said relived.

He was being a suck-up, it really must be important and what was that crying? It sounded like a baby, was he babysitting?

Why on earth would he be babysitting. We're freaking wrestlers, we make good money he doesn't need a side job. Unless it's a favor, I considered.
I let my mind run wild with the possibilities until I arrived at Seth's house.

As soon as I knocked the door was opened and I was pulled in. The screaming and crying was definitely louder and i spotted the crying baby on the couch.

"Help please, I don't know what to do" he said weakly. I feel like I had missed a big piece here.

I picked up the baby and she was freezing. "Jesus Christ, Seth she's freezing cold" I said.

"I didn't know what to do. I woke up when I heard a baby crying. She was soaked by the rain in the baby carrier" he informed me.

I quickly wrapped the baby in my dry warm sweater and quickly gave her a bottle that was laying in the diaper bag. I rocked her until she got quiet and slowly fell asleep.

"Care to explain why I have a baby in my arms at 2 in the morning at your house?" I said pointedly.

"Because I'm your best friend and you love me?" He offered. I scoffed but in all honesty, he is my best friend so I would've came regardless of him giving me money as a bribe. "The real reason" I said.

Seth sighed as he looked at the baby in my arms. "The only logical explanation I can think of is that when Allison broke up with me she then realized she was pregnant, had the kid, got tired of her and then decided that she would hand her off to me" he explained more to himself than to me.

"She's a bitch, I don't know why you dealt with her. And a dumbass for leaving her own kid in the poring rain" I retorted.

The baby slightly fussed but I easily put her back to sleep.

Seth looked at her in awe. Before Becky had arrived, he had been with the crying baby for 2 hours trying to make her stop but he didn't have a single clue on what to do.

"Please stay the night Becks, I'm going to be lost without you" he pleaded. I rolled my eyes, "I'm not a nanny."

"I know but please, I'm begging you. I will literally get on my knees. We're on break for these next two weeks but we're going to be back on the road and I could really use your help" he quite literally begged.

"Fine but this is a temporary thing. You also can not expect me to sacrifice all my free time. I'm not sure if you forgot but I'm dating Nick and bringing a child that is not mine into the mix is going to complicate things" I said sternly.

Seth nodded slowly, "of course. I'm just glad you're helping me, even if it's for a short while."

"Oh and don't bring up me staying over at your place to Nick. He gets all defensive when I spend the night at a guy's house. And I'm pretty sure telling him i got here at 2 am isn't helping my case" I said.

Seth rolled his eyes at my comment. Him and Nick have some type of beef but I could care less.
Seth, is my childhood friend and coworker and Nick, is my boyfriend. They're just going to have to learn how to get along with each other or at least be courteous with one another.

Seth and I stayed up late talking about baby things. I listed things off that we needed as Seth typed everything into a list. We agreed that we would go shopping to pick up the things tomorrow because the baby needs a crib.

"I didn't even ask, what's the babies name?" I said with my eyes closed as I tilted my head back on the couch.

"Emmery" I heard him say.

"Hm, Emmery Lopez, that's cute" I mumbled. The last thing I felt was small fingers grasping my hand as I drifted off into my subconscious.

Word count- 888
Thanks for reading chapter 1 many more to come!!

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