Part 11 - The Car Paint Incident

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Raphaella's POV 

Today is definitely NOT a good day for her. First, she overslept and was late for her first subject. Second, the zip on her bag broke. Third, someone busted her locker and now she left her notes on her next subject at home. The only thing that's good is that, fortunately, that subject is after their lunch break. She could go home and get it. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Amity asked while walking with her. 

"I'm sure! I can manage. You don't have to come." She said. 

"Alright. I'll just go with you to the parking lot." 

"What's up with you and everyone else?? Everyone seems to be overprotective today." 

"Nothing!" Amity said. But it was clear that she was lying. Amity cannot look straight and have eye contact when she's lying and she's definitely doing it to her now. 

She frowned. "I know that you know that I know your lying! Come on! Are you keeping something from me??" 

Amity sighed. "Raphy. . . I . . . We. . . . " 

"What is it Amity?? You can say it to me."

"Fine then. Blaize . . . ." But then Amity's voice drained away from her when she saw, right in the middle of the parking lot, Blaize wrestling with Arabella near her ruined and damaged car.

"What are you doing?" she said not believing what she was seeing. 

The moment she said that, Blaize visibly stiffened and looked as if he just realized that half of the school is looking at them. 

Amity walked towards Blaize and asked "Blaize what is going on here? What are you doing?" 

Blaize stood up straight and let go of Arabella. "I was trying to stop Arabella, you see. .. . . . .." Blaize started to explain but all of it was lost to her when she saw Arabella threw the rock that she was holding to her car's window and it shattered into pieces. 

"Oh My God!!" she whispered. Her knees weakened and she felt that she's shivering. What did she ever do to Arabella to make her do such a thing? To make her hate her so much? She can't remember anything that she had done to make Arabella like this. At least as far as she knows.

She felt numb and her surroundings seem to have blurred. She felt herself falling and she was waiting for the floor to hit her but it didn't come. She felt someone catching her and hoisting her up. When she looked up she saw that it was Blaize, his expression full of worries. That was the last thing she saw and everything went black.


"Miss Gregory should be fine Mr. Hastings. She hadn't had the chance to eat today and her stress level had gone high because of the . . . . errr. . . . . incidents earlier. She would wake up soon." That was the first thing she heard the moment she opened her eyes.


Where is she? What happened to her? How did she get here?

"Raffy!! I'm glad you're awake! How are you feeling? Does something hurt?" Blaize asked.

He really is handsome despite the worried expression on his face.

WHAT? What is she thinking? That is not the time for her to appreciate how good looking Blaize really is. She had just remembered what had happened and she had to settle this.

"Raffy? Raffy. Please stop crying. Please! Please!" Until he had said that she didn't realize that she was crying that tears were flowing from her eyes.

She didn't know what to do. What made Arabella hate her so much? She can't stand the thought of someone, especially one you thought and treated as a friend, hating her and at the same time hurting them.

"Shhhh. Everything would be alright! I promise you!" Blaize said.

"How? How?"

Blaize leaned on the bed, hugged her and patted her back, whispering sweet and comforting words to her. "Don't worry about it? Alright? I would take care of this. I will take care of you. This will never happen again! As long as I'm here and you want me by your side, I will protect you. So please. Please stop crying! You know I hate seeing you cry."

Her tears flowed even more. God, how she miss this! Blaize being always there for her. Blaize taking care of her. Blaize protecting her.

That's why it wasn't hard for her back then, to fall for her best friend. No one knew. Her family, her best friends and especially Blaize. No one knew that what she felt for him then was more than the friendship they had shared. She didn't say anything because she didn't want to complicate and get things awkward between them. She was contented with having him in her life as best friend than NOT having him in her life at all. She wouldn't be able to bear it. That's why when she left it broke her heart. She left the place where she grew, her family, her best friends and most of all, the one she loves dearly, Blaize.

"Feeling better?" Blaize asked her once her tears subsided.

She slowly let him go and touched his face. He smiled and placed his hand on hers and pressed it closer to his face. 

"Thank you!" she whispered.

"Anything for you, My Love!" Blaize said and he held her again and they stayed like that for what seemed like FOREVER.


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