Part 14 - Memories

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Blaize's POV

 "When you left. . . .. .. . . . ... . " he stopped.  

It was hard. For the past year and a half he had tried to forget and bury all the unwanted memories of pain, anguish, fear, and anger he felt and bringing it all out now was one of the toughest thing he would do. But the idea of finally letting go of the past was much more appealing to him and he started telling Raffy.


He's so excited. Today is the day when he would finally propose to Raphaella. To ask her if they could take the next step to their friendship. Today he would ask her to be his Girlfriend. 

It had taken a lot of his courage to finally take this decision. He was nervous and afraid. What if Raphaella didn't feel the same way and things get awkward between them and their friendship be jeopardized. That thought alone was enough for him to rethink things through. But the thought of not trying to win her was not appealing either. Besides, he knew Raphaella cares for him and love him. How long would it take for that love and care to blossom to something more? To something that would entail forever and ever? He would try his best to reach that goal and to prove to her that he was the one for her. He drove faster. He was eager to see how Raffy would react. 

Once he reach Raffy's house, he parked his car, went straight to the door, and opened it and straight to Raffy's room. 

"Mr. Harrington?" one of the maids called. 

"Hello! I'm just going Raffy's room." He said and proceeds on his way. 

"But Mr. Harrington, Miss Raphaella is not there!" the maid said. 

He stopped on his tracks and frowned. "What do you mean? Did she go somewhere?" 

"Didn't you know sir?" 

"Know what?" 

"Miss Raphaella and Master Caleb were leaving for Italy today!" 

"Italy? I didn't know that. When was this decided? When would they come back?" he was dumbfounded. Why didn't Raffy told him? 

"I don't know sir. Madam and sir just said it earlier and the next thing we knew they were leaving. And I don't know when they will come back if they come back." 

With that said the maid excused herself and continued doing her chores.

Right there and then all his excitement disappeared. Raffy is gone! And they didn't know if she would come back. Why? Why didn't she say anything? Why didn't she say goodbye? 

Taking out his phone he called Amity. If anyone could give full details about this it would be her but she was not answering. 

He looked for the maid again. 

"When did they leave?" 

"About one or two hours ago." 

He still have time. He can still catch up.

Please! Please God!  

Please let me catch up to them. 

Please let me have a chance to say what I want to Raffy.. Please!  

He silently prayed as he drove to the tarmac that Raffy's family usually use.

He parked his car as fast as he can and the moment he entered the building, he saw everyone making their way at the exit and he collapsed.

He kneeled and tears started to flow down his face. He was too late. Raffy had already left!

Why? Why did she leave me? I love her! I love her so much! My world revolves around her. She's my everything. Why couldn't she wait? Why didn't she wait for me? That was the only thing he could think of.

"Blaize?" Leila noticed him first and she and the rest of his friends hurriedly went to him.

"Blaize are you alright? Come on. Get up!" Zane said and help him on his feet.

"Come on. Let's go!" Eli said.

"Where are you going?" Amity asked. Looking at him, concern written all over her face.

"Anywhere!" Zane said.

"We're coming with you!" Leila said.

"No! you're not!" Eli said.

"But. . . . ."

"No Leila. Just leave this one to us. For now!" Eli said and the look on his face says his not to be argued on this one.

"Fine. But you will call us."



"Now that I think about it I can't even remember where we went. All I remember was the decision I had made. To be the guy I would have been if I hadn't met you. The guy I would have been if I hadn't fallen head over heels in love with you. I became every girls dream. I end relationships one after the other. I never got serious with anyone. I became The Playboy!" he looked at her and took her hand.

"And now I realize that I was living a lie. All that I needed was for you to come back to bring back my true feelings that I buried deep within me. I love you then and I Love you still!"

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