Part 2 - New Girl?

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Blaize's POV

Senior year!

I look at my reflection in the mirror and wondered even for a moment what it would be like if my best friend was here. Raffy. I miss her, especially at the start of school. We had always imagined what it would be like when we reach our senior years. And we would make plans of what we would do. I miss those days.

A car horn honking, brought my line of thought to a halt. Shrugging my head, I made myself stop thinking of her.

"She left. And who knows when she would be back? Crap. She didn't even say goodbye to me." I said to myself. With that the pain that I felt and my anger for her, for leaving without even a word, is back. "Besides, who needs her? I managed to go through sophomore and junior year without her. I can do it again this year. Aside from that I am the most popular boy in school" I added.

I made myself get ready and went downstairs.

There having breakfast is my twin sister, Leyla and our parents.

"Good morning." I said.

"Good morning." They said in unison.

I sat down and ate my food quickly. "Slow down Blaize. You would choke yourself." my mother said.

"By the way, Blaize I have something to tell you." Leyla said.

"What?" I asked. And then my phone rings.

"I have to go. We have a meeting with the coach." I said standing up and drinking my orange juice.

"But I have something to tell you." Leyla interrupted.

"It can wait. I have to go or I would be late." I said. Kissing her, mom and waving goodbye to dad "See you later."

I park my car and hurriedly goes to the gym. We are going to talk about the practice games that we would be having and how to recruit more students for football and track and field.

Once I was there, the meeting starts. And after a while, Leyla texted me "Where are you?".

"Still at the gym. Why?" I texted back.

"I have something to tell you." She replied.

"Later. Once we're finish here."

"Fine. Up to you. But don't blame me."

"Blame you? For what?" I texted back, getting curious.

"What time will you finish? Have to tell you in person."

I sighed. "Wait. I'll text you." My patience is getting tested right now. What could Leyla possibly want to say to me?

After twenty minutes of the coach speaking and me gritting my teeth, the meeting is finally done.

I rush to the door and to the locker room to look for my sister. I stop altogether when someone catches my attention. I can't believe what I'm seeing.

Am I imagining things?

There, by the office is someone who looks familiar. The hair, the way she straightened her back, the skin.

"Raffy??" I silently whispered. My best friend? I shook my head. Scratch that Former best friend? But what could she possibly be doing here?

Wondering whether or not I should approach the girl to make sure she wasn't Raffy, I call my sister.

Leyla would definitely know if Raffy is back.

"Where are you?" I asked, not bothering with pleasantries.

"Hello to you too." Leyla said. "I'm at the parking lot."

"Wait for me there!!" not waiting for a response I ended the call.

I walked quickly towards the parking lot and once I spot Leyla I asked "Why didn't you tell me Raphaella's back?"

"What?" her sister asked.

"Why didn't you tell me she's back?" I asked again. My patience is reaching its limits.

"I tried to tell you earlier, remember? But you didn't listen!" she reminded me.


"Have you seen her?" Leyla asked.

"What do you think?"

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Why didn't you tell me yesterday? I assume she got back yesterday?"

"You assume correctly! I didn't tell you because I didn't know you wanted to know and besides you weren't even at the house when I arrived." Leyla explained. I curse and run my hand through my face and hair.

"You should have told me." I said.

"I tried! Why did you think I texted you earlier?" Leyla asked, focusing on me "So, have you talked to her?"

"No!! Why should I? As far as I'm concerned she's nothing anymore."

"Really now?? So, Why the reaction??" my sister clearly knows me too well.

"I was just surprised seeing her again. But now that you've mention it, I don't really care." I said coolly as if I didn't care.

"Right!! Who are you trying to convince me or yourself ?" Leyla asked. With that she left me there and joined her friends.

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