Love Me Again

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I couldn't tell if the casino had gained or lost customers over the bullshit that had taken place a few weeks ago now. They determined the fire was caused by a Molotov and destroyed most of the East Wing including the casino floor. However they also found plenty of bullets and shells.

They also found the tiny pistol I had given Sam one of the first nights we met. Determined that all the gang members and owners were dead or in jail they allowed the place to take on new ownership.

I had staid just long enough to see some construction work undergo, the East Wing quarantined. The West Wing didn't have much to it but a nice garden, a pool, and a small lounge.

I took a walk around the small enclosed garden. It was nice with some big trees, a glassed in roof a few stories above.

"So... 'Lexie."

I turned quickly to look at the intruder.

"Who're you?" I reached for my gun but he didn't flinch.

"I'm ... Well who I am is not really important at the moment. I came to clear some things up with you. I heard the place was wrecked and now there are lots of Irish just... Ew. Roaming the streets like animals."

I decided to put my gun back, he was far enough away in the garden and didn't have a gun out himself.

"Clear things up?"

"Well. I'll have you know I'm the American Underboss. Call me Aaron."

"Your responsible for this!" I gestured towards the building.

"No, and that's why I'm here. My men had nothing to do with this flagrant attack."

"But your after-"

"Sam... O'Brennan..." He cut me off. "Not necessarily. We loved Sarah. Sure we didn't want her marrying a scum bag like O'Brennan. It was for her protection. But I am nothing like my indignant father who started the inquisition against your lover."

I stood straight.

"I get around Alexei."

"So your here to tell me you didn't do it. But not who did?"

"Oh... I could tell you who did it..."

I waited and crossed my arms.

"The Italians." He said looking me straight in the eyes. "They're your enemy."


"I wanna go back home." I sat on the couch playing with my thumbs a bit. There was really nothing there for me.

"I think you should stay here just a bit longer." Sean said with his arms crossed.

"There's... What would I go back to. I had no home but that casino."

"Well not all of it burnt down. Just the East Wing."

"Your right. The West Wings mostly the hotel. There's a small lounge, garden, the pool room."

"I still think you should stay here just a bit longer." He implored to me as if I was about to jump off a cliff.


He didn't answer right away and I felt weird.

There was a loud bang from the backdoor. I instantly got off the couch but Sean didn't flinch. I could feel my heart pumping like it use to.

"Sean." I demanded glancing over at him. He shook his head, I could see the look on his face.

I turned towards the front door just off the living room when the door was kicked in.

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