The John Wayne

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"Did you know about this?" I asked 'Lexie. He was gambling in the casino downstairs. I had struggled to find him. It took me a few minutes. I wanted to talk to him about this gang business.

"New to me." 'Lexie shrugged.

Alexie stood up from the table.

"Are you interested?"

"Do you think I would really survive watching other people murdered in front of me? Enjoy the attention it would get me?"

"Something tells me you secretly enjoy the attention of three men... Two in particular." 'Lexie sighed. "Another round please."

"Yes, sir." Said the dealer rearranging the cards.

I furrowed my eyes at 'Lexie.

"It'd be funny. Join me and Kris would be all over you. Matt would hate you but hey. He's quite the jealous type. Doesn't really make sense though... Kris is the orphaned Irish." 'Lexie thought for a second but the dealer drew his attention. "I'd watch him."

"Who?" I tilted my head.

"Exactly." 'Lexie snickered leaning back over the table. "I got sick of Matt's shit, sure. Wanna really piss them off? Be your own boss."

I huffed leaving 'Lexie alone to drink and gamble.

"You and I have a lot in common!"

I returned to my room to change out of my clothes. I'd figured playing my video games looked pretty good right about now.

I felt like drinking some cheap wine so I had grabbed a bottle on my way up.

I sat on my couch in a t-shirt and boxers, jeans on the floor, wine in my hand, gun on the cushion next to me and my controller dangling in my hand just pushing the A button.

"I would just stay out of this. Honestly. Your sisters like a psychopath." I mumbled denying the option and watching the cut scene continue. "And you do it anyway. Wow... the power of choice I see."

So far I had been left alone. Things seemed to have calmed down after the past few days. Not only did I have to deal with Cindy's choices, but I had to make my own about this whole gang thing. I didn't want to be a part of it and I felt bad for anyone who was.

It was getting pretty late, or early in the morning and I felt like taking a video game break. I found myself falling asleep on the couch. My one hand eventually dropping my controller and the other clutching my pistol over my heart.

I could feel myself on center stage, dressed nicely, suit and tie.

I spoke softly into a mic.

"Soon... I'm gonna marry a man like no other. Light the fuse-"

I stared into the dark crowd.

"Love... Love is the warmest color-"

I felt the room change colors, the heat rising.

"On a hot summer night, will you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses-"

I took across the stage.

"And then you took the words right out of my mouth!"

The stage was sinking under me and I panicked dropping to my knees for stability.

"Can you hear me now, can you hear me now? I'm singing out as loud as I know how!" I sang into the microphone I'd been holding.

"Bubububudabububdada. Well the lampshades on fire and the lights go out-"

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