"You wanna go to the park?" Jaebum offered in hopes of moving past the awkward moment he'd created between them. "We can just walk around. I kinda don't want to go home yet."

Jinyoung was hesitant to nod, eventually agreeing since they had nothing much better to do. "Oh... sure."

Jaebum led the angel to the park just a few blocks away. It was a pretty large park that Jaebum often visited alone, but now it was different since Jinyoung came along. Jaebum could tell that Jinyoung favorited the spacious outdoors by the way he perked up when they were surrounded by nature; he was glad that they could spend time doing things he liked. They'd walked around the park for about ten minutes, just enjoying the calm weather and greenery surrounding them when Jaebum got an idea, feeling like a kid again as he stopped Jinyoung in his tracks to propose it.

"Have you ever played tag?" He blurted out, receiving a confused stare.

"Tag?" Jinyoung repeated.

Jaebum nodded, a smile spreading across his lips. "I touch you, and you're 'it'. You have to try and catch me. When you tap me then I'm 'it', and I have to try and catch you."

Jinyoung frowned, not really understanding the entire point of the game. "It'll just keep going back and forth, when does the game end?"

"Whenever we both give up running." Jaebum said through a wide grin. He lightly tapped Jinyoung's shoulder before running the opposite direction. "You're it!"

Jinyoung smiled, chasing after Jaebum who didn't expect him to be so fast. He sprinted down a long path, constantly looking back to see Jinyoung gaining on him. Jaebum spotted a large tree off to the side of the pathway, heading towards it to hide behind. Though Jinyoung caught a glimpse of where he was headed, running straight for the tree as well. They circled the large trunk, giggling as Jaebum tried his best to stay out of Jinyoung's sight until he found a perfect moment to run. That moment came just as Jinyoung almost caught him, though as he pushed off the tree to run, his hand got nicked by a sharp piece of bark that split open the skin of his thumb.

Jaebum abruptly slowed down mid run, hissing as he clutched his hand to his chest. Jinyoung spotted him stopped just a few feet away, realizing that something wrong had happened to pause the game.

"You okay?" He asked as he jogged over to where Jaebum stood.

Jaebum nodded, hiding his wounded thumb in his other hand. "Yeah, the bark was chipping and it cut me, I'm fine though. we can keep playing."

Jinyoung frowned as he noticed blood trickle down Jaebum's palm. He could tell the cut was worse than he let on. "You sure? It's bleeding..."

"It'll stop eventually, I'll go home and put a band-aid on it. No worries." Jaebum assured, trying to hide the pain he felt behind a calm expression. It stung a lot, though the cut wasn't extremely bad, it was bad enough. He wiped the blood away with a tissue he pulled from his pocket, knowing that he definitely had to get it bandaged up soon.

Jinyoung let out a breath, seemingly hesitant to say something. "Hey... don't be weird after this."

Jaebum frowned in confusion. "After what-"

Jaebum cut his own sentence off as Jinyoung grabbed his hand and lifted it up to his face. His heart stopped as seemingly in slow motion, Jinyoung pressed a kiss to his thumb over his wound. The angel's lips were soft and warm, a fluttery sensation running from his hand through his arm and spreading across his body. Jaebum didn't even know what to do, he just stood there in utter shock.


Jinyoung looked down at his thumb before releasing it. "There, it's healed."

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