Y/N suggested on playing air hockey. Mainly because she knew that this game was one of her strengths. The puck slid viciously across the surface and Y/N and Jungkook had a draw of 3 to 3. She hit the puck with her paddle at the last ten seconds of the match and was sure she going to score when Jungkook quickly blocked his goal and strikes the puck with his own paddle. It caught her off guard for a second and the puck entered her goal when the stopwatch turned red at 00:00.

Jungkook had won, 4 to 3.

It was exactly like in the previous taekwondo match they had. Y/N had lost concentration because of Jungkook's incredible reaction time.

She stayed silent as Jungkook approached her.

"You are pretty good at this game," he complimented.

"But I still lost."

Jungkook put down the paddle on the board. "Honestly, it's because you're always on the offensive," he said, "you want the match to end quickly with your win, so you keep attacking. You keep attacking, so you forget to block. You forget to block, so you leave out many openings. You leave out many openings, so the opponent takes the chance. And you lose." Jungkook glanced at his watch. "It's going to be eight o'clock. Come one, we have to catch the bus."

Y/N thought about what he said. Was he secretly giving her advice for the upcoming taekwondo match against him?


Y/N and Jungkook walked towards the bus station. They passed a merchandise store and Y/N spotted a Goku action figure on display. She quickly went inside.

"How much for this figure please?" she said, pointing to the Goku action figure.

"Dragon Ball? Really?" Jungkook said as he entered the store himself.

"It's a good show!" Y/N pouted.

She paid for it and both of the exited the store.

"I thought you finished all your money at the arcade. How'd you pay for it?" Jungkook asked.

"With your money," Y/N winked and pulled out Jungkook's wallet from her pocket.

"Ok that's just annoying. How did you even get hold of my wallet, give it back!"

He chased her down the streets as she ran with his wallet in her hand. Unfortunately, all that running made one of Y/N's ballerina's sole tear apart from the rest of her shoe. She stumbled and fell down.

"Are you ok?" Jungkook asked as he caught up to her. "What happened?"

"My shoe got spoiled," said Y/N as she held her ballerina, "oh well." She removed her other shoe and started walking barefoot.

"OK, firstly," Jungkook took his wallet out of her hand, "I need my wallet. And secondly, are you really going to walk barefoot all the way to the bus station?"

"I don't really have another choice," Y/N shrugged. She kept walking and after a while she stepped on a stone. "Ouch!"

Jungkook sighed, then bent down in front of her. "Hop on."

"What are you doing?"

"I'm giving you a piggyback."

Y/N jumped on Jungkook's back and was suddenly aware of her situation – she was one Jungkook's back! Her one arm was on his shoulder and the other was holding the pair of ballerinas. Jungkook firmly held the back of her knees and started walking towards the bus station.

It was comfortable. Getting a piggyback from Jungkook was comfortable. Her body was pressed against his broad back and her face could smell the warm scent of the back of his neck. She felt sleepy and relaxed. Y/N closed her eyes and nuzzled into Jungkook's neck, enjoying the cozy and safe ride. She almost fell asleep when a bright light had pierced through her eyelids. She squinted to see her surroundings and realized that she'd entered the bus.

Jungkook put her down on one of the seats and sat beside her.

"Those shoes seem really old,' he said.

"Oh yeah, I haven't worn them in ages."

"Then why did you wear them now?"

For you.

Y/N wondered if Jungkook noticed the change in her style. Maybe he didn't.

About five minutes went in silence.

"You put makeup on, didn't you?" Jungkook suddenly said as he looked straight ahead.

Y/N turned to him. So he did notice after all!

"Oh, yes I did."

"You look pretty with it on," Jungkook turned to face Y/N, their noses barely touching. "You look more pretty without it on." This time, his lips teasingly brushed hers.

Y/N's heart was racing in her chest. Her face had never become this red before. The nauseous feeling in her stomach worsened every second. And she couldn't take it anymore.

She closed her eyes and leaned in closer to kiss Jungkook, but he quickly went back. When she didn't feel anything on her lips, she opened her eyes, just to see a smirking Jungkook looking back at her.

"I thought you wouldn't have me unless you beat me," he said mockingly with the smirk still curling his lips.

Y/N couldn't do anything except stare him. She let out a breathy sigh.

"Come on, it's our stop." 

The Guy in my Taekwondo Class (J.JK)Where stories live. Discover now