"now, now Tomura Shigaraki" Kurogiri calms him "they came all this way the least we can do is hear them out give them a chance, besides this broker is respected in the underworld they're bound to be valluable assets"

Giran turn his head on Tomura Shigaraki after he puff his smoke "like him or not you still owe me a finders fee in cash" he reminded "I suppose I can introduce the two of them before I go. This one here looks like an adorable highschool girl, but she's actually the suspect of series of deaths where all the victims all bled out."

"Toga here, Himiko Toga" she introduce herself "Life is too hard I just want to make is easier to live in this dumb world. I want to be Mr. Stainy I want to kill Mr. Stainy come on handy man please let me join your League of villains" she excitely beg

"you gotta be kidding me, is she crazy?" Tomura Shigaraki exclaim

"cool she could hold a conversation for the most part atleast, but come on she can be useful, and this guy hasn't commited any flashy crime, but he's taken Stain's ideology to heart"

"I don't like this is your group really dedicated to the Hero-Killer's mission" he became curious "I can't imagine you are because I can't let this little psycho join you."

"grow up, she maybe a psycho but atleast she knows introduce herself to people" Tomura Shigaraki exclaims "don't just stare whats your name?"

"right now I'm going by Dabi" he said

"no, I want to know your real name" Tomura Shigaraki corrected.

"I'll tell you if you mean to know it" he said "in any case my new purpose is to carry out the Hero-Killer's will"

"it wasn't what I ask you patchwork" Tomura Shigaraki exclaim "geez, why does everyone get hung upon Stain he's all I ever hear about everday" he stood up then became furious "everyday it's really pissing me off" then they attack each other.

Deku protected Shigaraki with his knife as all of them collide.

Luckily Kurogiri stopped them from killing each other by his quirk "please calm youreself Tomura Shigaraki" he said "if you're desire is to be realize then we must increase our numbers now that we're on the spotlight our chancce is at hand" Kurogiri extend his head towards Tomura Shigaraki's ear as he whisper "and I advice you yo be more accepting, you must use them and the ideology that Stain has left behind" then he return his head back then turn off the portals.

"I'm out of here" Tomura Shigaraki said

"where are you off to?" Giran ask

"shut up!" then he slam the door close

Giran scratch his head "I tried to make it a point not to complain about our client" he said "but he's too young and far too immature"

"really thought he was gonna kill us all for a sec" Toga said

"that guy makes me want to vomit" Dabi said

"Senpai is always like that, you just need to understand" Deku said

"aren't you the one who tried to murder the daugther of All Might" Dabi ask

"that's me" Deku answered

"cool, you must be good, I want to be just like you" Toga said

"shall we get back to you about our recruitment have a later date" Kurogiri said "I believe our leader knows what he has to do that's why he left as he did he understand his circumstances All Might and the Hero-Killer he's been humbled twice very recently, I'm sure he will bring you an answer one that will both of you as well as his own desire."

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