Diary of a Loner.. 4

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Dear Diary,

I love my job. It is the most amazing fantastic job ever. Or maybe I love my job so much because of the people I meet. People meaning Daniel. He kept his promise and came in to the shop again today. Seeing him again just made my day, its crazy the amount I like him already. I don't even know him that well he could be a serial killer for all I know. All though I doubt that, he's too sweet. When he arrived today I was on my lunch break, talk about perfect timing. I was just chatting away to Chris on one of the couches with my back to the door, when he snuck up behind me. I know I shouldn't say he snuck up but he really did, because I didn't hear him at all.

 Chris gave me a wink then, said hello to Daniel and went behind the till. Slowly I turned around praying to god Daniel didn't see the wink Chris gave me. Thankfully he didn't seem to notice, instead he was giving me a dazzling smile. I couldn't help but smile back up at him. Once again we got to talking, and once again Chris had to come and ruin it. I swear I could have killed him could he not see I was having a seriously important conversation. Ok maybe not seriously important, but it was important to me because I was learning so much about Daniel. Maybe he noticed the look of disappointment on my face when Chris told me to get back to work. Or maybe he might just like me too, but either way he suggested we meet up after I was finished work.

I swear my heart did a million flips in my chest at the question, at first I wasn't sure if he actually said it or if I was imagining things, but the serious look on his face told me he did. I tried to be cool about replying but I think I still sounded like a seriously eager beaver. I told him when I was finished and he said he'd be back again in a couple hours. The minute he left the shop I jumped up on the couch and did myself a little happy dance. Lame I know, but I couldn't help myself I was just that happy. Unfortunately Chris had to walk in on me, giving him the opportunity to rub it in my face that he was right and to mock me continuously for the rest of the day about my "date" as he called it, with Daniel.

I was ready to murder him. The rest of my work hours couldn't have gone by any slower. Don't get me wrong I was enjoying work, but I was really looking forward to meeting up with Daniel. I was hoping that Chris would leave me off early so I could go home and straighten myself up a little bit, but no such luck.

He kept me in until Daniel came back to the shop. I shot him daggers as I was leaving, he is so going to pay for that. For some reason I started to feel really nervous, It was my first time being properly alone with Daniel and I didn't even know where we were going or what we were doing. He must have noticed I was a little off, because he told me to relax he wasn't going to kill me or anything, we were just going for some hot chocolate, so we could continue getting to know each other.

Aww he remembered that I love hot chocolate, how amazing is he. I really am falling for him pretty bad, oh crap. I don't care though we just had the most amazing time together. We got hot chocolate like he promised ( I got cream and mini little marshmallows on mine, it was yum!). And just continued to learn about each other, I found out so much about him today. I could write it all down, but I'd be afraid if anyone saw it they'd think I'm a bit of a stalker, but then again who'd be reading my diary?. Ok I learned that he is originally from Ireland but he moved to London with his family when he was seven, he has a younger sister who he adores and two older brothers.

His parents own a holiday home here in Newhaven and every summer they come down here. Seeing as his favourite animal is a dog he has two of them, a husky called Miffy and a Labrador called Leo. He told me he his sister named the husky so as not to laugh at the name choice, but I still did. His birthday is the 14 of July, star sign cancer and he's sixteen. So he's really only five months older then me since my birthday is December 31st.

He love loves loves music, which I already knew. We had a big long discussion on music, we had to we're both obsessed with it. It was fun arguing with him about who is the best band, and what bands are good and what ones are just plain awful.

He's also pretty athletic, and loves to do track and field. I'm guessing he's fairly good at it but he's too modest to admit it. Of course he plays many instruments, like guitar, bass and piano. I really love guitarist so extra bonus for me. God I better not write down much more, I feel like I'm keeping a profile on him! After our gorgeous hot chocolate we went to the outdoor bowling which was so random, but so much fun. I kicked his ass in the first round, but not so much in the second. We were having so much fun together and I didn't want it to end, but of course great things always come to and end.

This time my fun was ruined by my mother ringing me, freaking out that I wasn't home. I checked my watch and realised that it was nearing nine o clock. Five hours I had spent with him!! It didn't seem like it at all. Saying good bye was awful, because I didn't know if I'd be seeing him again, which I really hoped I would be, but I didn't have to say good bye so soon because he offered to walk me home. He is beyond sweet, and I seem to like him a little bit more every minute. The walk home was beautiful. The sun was beginning to set, making the sky a brilliant orange red colour. It could have been romantic but it was too soon for that sort of thing.

We messed about the whole way home, but I swear there was a bit of flirting going on too. Or that could just be me being hopeful?. When we reached my driveway I turned to say bye to him, but he pulled me into a big hug. I was shocked at first but soon wrapped my arms around him. It was such a beautiful hug, and it felt so right to be held in his arms. I could feel myself blushing as he released me, dam my cheeks they are such a give away. He smiled down at me and said he'd see me tomorrow, I was too happy to even reply to that as he walked away from me. I cant believe this, something is actually going right in my life.

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