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♧meeting on the wrong foot♧

"Strangers can become best friends just as quickly as best friends can become strangers "- unknown.

'Lisa! Holly! Hurry up or you are going to be late for school' my mum, Marie yelled from downstairs.

'Coming mom!' I hurriedly slipped on my converse and stuck my blue beanie on my head as I dashed out of my room.

My name is Izzolly Beverly Radeck. I know what you are thinking , I feel the same way- it's as if my parents couldn't decide whether to name me Izzy or Holly so they came to a compromise. I'm 17 years old with waist length jet black hair that can never be put in a bond and ocean blue  eyes that I personally think is too big for my face.

As I reached the bottom of the staircase, I slipped on a banana peel that looked as if it had been strategically positioned there, and if the annoying laughter coming from my sister is anything to go by , it had been.

'Lisa!' I groan as I stumble to my feet rubbing my sore palms against my jeans before  turning to face my sister who had burst into laughter and was now lying on the tiles cackling like an old witch.

'Good thing you weren't wearing glass slippers, slipperella' she manages to gasp out before she starts cackling again'


Meet Elissa Radeck, my 14 years old satan spawn sister.

My mom peeked through the kitchen door with flour on her skirt and hands on her hips.

'Lisa stop annoying your sister and hurry up Holly, your bus is here'.

Standing up, I walk gently to avoid slippimg on the banana peel remains stuck to the bottom of my shoe. I speed up when I reach the kitchen and rush to the island to grab my lunch before hurrying outside to the bus.'Bye Mom'.

'Bye sweetie, love you' MOm hollers back from inside.

I climb into the bus ,heading to the back where I sit between my best friend, Jasmine Decker and her twin brother, Jason Decker.

'Hi Jazz and Jay' I greet cheerfully.

'Sup Izzy'


'I can't believe this happened Dad. I can't believe we had to move halfway across the country. I can't believe  I went through all this shit because of a girl Dad ,a girl!' I said grumpily as I slumped into the chair.

'Katie she's not just a girl, she's a woman ,a woman that I've grown to care about. Plus, she already has two kids. I think one of them is even around your age. She's a woman that I bet you'll love almost as you loved your mother if you'd just give her a chance' My dad said trying to reason with me.

'Forget it Dad! That can never happen because, one, she can never ever replace mum' I stated before adding an extra 'ever' for emphasis.'And two, I can't believe you are replacing mum already' I mumbled sitting up and shaking my head disappointedly  before folding my arms petulantly just as my dad turned at a corner .

My dad sighed 'So many "I can't believe"s in one conversation. Sweetie we've had this conversation over and over and I don't think that this is the best time to have it again. You're going to be late for your first day and beside I have to drop Dan off. I think he's even late already' My dad said as he checked his watch.

My younger brother, Dan ,snorted from the back seat' So you guys are literally just realizing that I was in the car while you and Kate were having this entirely meaningless and long conversation... By the way I wouldn't mind a new mom. I mean I never really knew mom, she died when i was three remember. I really wouldn't mind a new mom, I'm always jealous when my friends brag about how well their moms can cook. I'll miss Brad's mom ,she made the best chocolate-chip cookies ever. Dad can our new mom cook?' Dan asked excitedly, sticking his head between the two front chairs.

'You better believe it' Dad answered, a wide grin on his face as he fist bumped Dan.

'One..'I trailed off turning to glare at Dan who looked at me innocently.'she's not our mom, she's Dad's wife and two, I can't believe your criteria for accepting a new mom is if she can cook or not. Can't you think of anything besides your bellies? You know what? I don't care. Bye Dad, I'm going to be late' I grab my bag and alight the car, slamming the door behind me.

'Bye sis' my brother yelled  just as Dad restarted the car.

'Bye sweetie' My dad says as he pulls out of the parking lot.

'Good luck sis 'My brother screams just before my dad zooms off.

I turn to face the school, unsure of myself as I take timid measured steps towards the school entrance.

'Thanks Danny, cause I'm gonna need all the luck I can get' I mumble to myself just as I push the school doors open.

Meet me, Katarina Rileson Morlene. I'm 17 soon to be eighteen, well that's next year anyways. i have shoulder length brown hair and bright blue eyes and a mouth that looks out of place on my extremely oval face. Stepping into the school, I breathe in deeply.

It's show time. 



Thank you whoever you are for clicking on this book and giving it a try. I hope it's not been disappointing so far. please read,vote, please comment and share. Not sure when I'm updating next but i'll make it quick.

Love you guys.<3 <3<3


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