Chapter 3

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'I said are you people done scanning me or whatever it was you were doing just now?'.

The table goes silent for a few seconds before one of the girls bursts into laughter. She reaches out her hand with a wide smile on her face. I also extend my hand, expecting an handshake but instead she pulls me in for a hug before depositing me on the chair next to her's.

'You've got fire, just like me, I like that, I feel like we are going to be best of friends. My name is Ashley, what's yours?'

'My name is-'

'No. Wait. Let me guess. You look like a Mariah . No, Jade.... leigh Ann...Zar-'

'Ash for the love of God, shut up. Let her speak '. The other girl cuts her short. Turning to me, she reaches out her hand with a tight half smile on her face.' Kalila.'

'Katie'. I grab her hand gently in an handshake.

'Katie? As in Katie with the K.' Ashley looks a bit worried.

'Yes, is there a problem?'.

'My n-' Kalila is cut short by Chelsea who gives her a look.

'No. No problem '.

The girls returned to their phones and I tried to scan them without fully staring.

Ashley was a somewhat tall girl with extremely long legs. She had stunning red hair and green eyes. She was beautiful, just like Chelsea.

Kalila had beautiful tan skin with curly black hair that fell in layers down her back and her black eyes framed by ling lashes. Her lips were painted in a nude colour and she was dressed in a white cropped tank top with 'lila' written in gold calligraphed letters.

The tank top accentuated her long neck ,slender shoulders and the gold chain around her neck. She wore white shorts with a white stiletto that had a thin silver strap that went round her slender ankles. Every single hair was in place . She looked like she as if she'd just stepped off the cover of a magazine or she was about to walk the runway.

'Are you a lesbian or something?' Her voice had a certain chill to it.

'No, no I'm not'.

'Then why were you gaping at me, you almost had a drool fall for a second there. It's creepy, you're creepy '. She hissed, her hips drawing into a thin line.

'Okay, I'm sorry'.

The table went silent for a while before I felt Ashley move closer to me, her lips close to my ear.

'Don't worry she's just jealous cause you're hotter and you're not even trying '. Ashley murmured, giving me a teasing wink that had me blushing and bursting into laughter.


'I'm not kidding, you're very-'.

'Who're you?' A gentle throaty voice sounds from behind me. I turn around to face a black chocolate skinned girl staring down at me.

Her hands were holding a blue clutch bag that had intricate designs on it. Her wrap around top too had colourful patterns on it while her pants were pale yellow three quarters stopping a couple of inches above her ankles flaunting her thin waist and curvy hips.
Her hair was done in black braids with beads hanging at its ends.

'Katie '.

'So what are you doing here?'

'I invited her to seat with us?'. Chelsea stated after chewing on a mouthful of salad.

'And you didn't think to ask if we were comfortable letting some stranger seat with us. It's our table too'. She sat down opposite me and continued glaring at me.

'I feel the same way too ,Chelsea' Kalila said turning to face me too.

'She needs to sit with us, you know that '. Chelsea said ,giving the girls a look before she turned to face me, a strange look flashed across her face before she smiled another of her warm smiles at me.

The girls kept staring at me. I can't do this.

I grabbed my bag from where it lay on the floor beside my legs. 'You know, it's not really that big of a deal. I could just sit at another table. I stood up, giving ashley wave before turning to walk away.

I had taken a couple of steps away from the table when I heard them say. 'Wait, sit with us'

I turned back to find both of them wearing barely there smiles and gesturing to the seat I'd just stood up from.

'No, really, it's no biggie. I could easily find another table '. I took another step away from the table .

I saw Kalila's lips move in something that sounded like' Is she serious?'.

'No really we'd love to have you seat with us'.

They were all smiling up at me. Chelsea held out her hand 'You look like you could be a good friend and one of us. Come on Katie. '

I took tentative steps back to the table and couldn't help that the tables around were all watching what was happening with vivid interest. I took my seat again and the girls went back to their phones.

I turned to look about the cafeteria-

'Don't '. Chelsea stated ,sparing me a glance before going back to her phone. 'Ashley, brief her'.

Ashley moved close to me again. 'Sorry about that'.

'No, we're cool'.

'Okay so listen.' She brings out a piece of paper with circles drawn roughly on it. She points to a circle at the centre with one written on it.' This is our table right here. Here, table number 6, is where the bitches sit. The ones who talk back to teachers and argue with basically everyone. Table number 3 is where the nerds sit'. Her hand moves over the paper as she points to circles as she goes on talking.

I notice she skipped a circle. 'Hey, you forgot this table '.

When she notices the table that I'm pointing at, her lips draws into a thin line.' We don't talk to or about them, anyway, so don't bother about them and try to ignore them as much as possible '.


'Just ignore them ,okay!'. Chelsea snaps before she catches herself and smiles again. 'Sorry, just think of them as pariahs'.

'Okaaaaaay '.


'Hey isn't that the girl you collided with in class?' Jazz states as she settles into her seat with her tray piled high with food.

'Where?' I mumbled looking up from the video Jay and I were recording.

'At the Dumb dolls table'. She hands me my apple.

I look up and spot the girl at the centre of the cafeteria a few feet from the most "revered" table in the cafeteria. Next to that table is, of course,  the jocks and fuckboys table. I watch her for a few minutes before turning back to my plate 'I knew she was dumb, barely a day in and she's already in with the wrong crowd '.

'She might be dumb but she's hot ,like damn'. Jay whistles slowly while I shake my head at his words.

Talking through a mouth full of food, Jasmine shakes head. 'Chelsea would never take that risk, she's too pretty too be left too wander, but I'm sure it won't end well for her'.

We're all shaking our heads sadly, because out of all the people in this cafeteria, we were probably the only ones who understood how things work in this school. That's probably why we're the only ones not looking on in envy.

'Whatever, makes it easier for me to hate her anyways'.


I want to thank everyone of you who has helped by voting and even by clicking on this lame book to even read it. Thank you.
I'm already typing the next chapter, it should be uploaded by the end of this week ,no promises though.
Please vote,comment and share.

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