Chapter 6

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"Wait for me, I'll be right back ". Letting go of Jazz's hand. I move towards Miss Pim.

"Come with me". She leads me into her office. She goes to seat at her chair behind the desk gesturing for me to sit. "Take a sit". I sit opposite her, setting my bag on the ground.

"I'm going to get straight to the point now". She moves forward in her seat, steepling her fingers. "So I'm sure you've heard that our school will be admitting some new students this year, even though they are in their senior year ". She pauses.

"Yeah, I heard . Why though? Is it true their school was shut down?".

"Yes it was. Last term, Princeton management had some major financial complications. So as a result, the school has been shut indefinitely by the government . They've met with all the schools in the district and our school has agreed to accept only 8 of them. Our capacity is too stressed to accommodate any more than that, especially in senior year. So...".

"I don't really get where I come into the picture yet".

"The boys are a bit behind in the English syllabus. Their teacher was laid off at the start of last year. I really would have loved to be the one who would tutor them separately after class. But I can't ,I have a lot on my plate right now".

"Oh. So...".

"I can't tutor them, I need you to do it. I'm getting married ".

"You're getting married, congratulations. You want me to tutor 8 boys?". I blink rapidly, before regaining my composure. "Not to be a pain in the butt or anything. I'm sure that you have  noticed how distanced I am from the opposite sex and you want me to tutor 8 of them".

She runs her hand through her hair. "I know, but you're the only person I trust enough to tutor them. And it'll only be just till after the the wedding or till when I find another student with your knowledge of English . I'm considering that new girl, she seemed really good in class today, but until I assess her project, I'll hold on to my hunches. What is her name again?".

She wants to give another of one my jobs to that girl again. No. "I'LL DO IT". I rushed out. "I mean, she's still settling in, you don't want to scare her away. I'll do it for as long as you want ".

"Really? That's so sweet. I hope it doesn't impose. I would do it, it's just wedding preparations are so fucking exhausting". She covers her lips in horror. "Shit! I swore". She closed her eyes in mortification, when she realised she had just sworn again.

"No ,it's no big deal ". I stand to my feet pulling my bag with me. "Is there anything else you need to give or tell me".

She pulls a file out from her desk's top drawer and holds it out to me. "It contains their names and the topics they have missed".

I take hold of it but she doesn't let go just yet. "I really appreciate what you are doing. Thank you".

I leave Miss Pim's office feeling like I'm working on a cloud. Somehow, she'd worked her way back into my favourite teacher territory.

I'm zipping up my backpack after putting the file in it when I walk through the school doors. I spot Jazz sitting at the foot of the school's entrance pillar with a sad sulky look on her face.

"What's wrong?".

"Nothing much. We only missed the bus, no big deal". She says sarcastically, standing to her feet.

I groan. "And I'm supposed to pick  my sister up from school ".

"And I'm supposed to pick up some groceries ". She starts typing rapidly on her phone before she turns it off and slips it in her back pocket. "Not anymore ". She loops her arm through mine. "Let's start walking ".


Where the hell was he? I stared at my phone for the billionth time, watching the phone screen expectantly for a response. The only thing staring back at me was the flickering red light at the top right corner of my phone that alerted me when my phone was minutes away from shutting down.

I sighed as I reduced my phone screen brightness to its least and shut down all working apps to conserve battery power. I sent a last message to my dad before I shut of my phone screen.

Where are you dad. I'm still in school. You said you'd pick me up . I don't have any cash. Please respond quickly. My phone will soon die.

I was seated on a bench in a shade that overlooks the parking lot. I sighed as I tried reclining on the bench to relax my tense muscles. FAIL.

I closed my eyes and tried again. Blow the candles. Smell the flowers. Blow the candles. Smell the flowers. Blow the candles. Smell the-

"Excuse me. Are you alright?". A low, silky baritone voice from above me speaks.

I open my eyes suddenly and I'm assaulted by the sight of the most intensely green eyes I've ever seen studying my face from what must not be up to 3 inches away. I'm startled out of my seat as my head jacks backward involuntarily, ramming by lower neck against the top of the chair's back rest.


He sits down beside me. "Ouch. Sorry about that, are you okay?".

I nod stiffly through the pain resonating from the back of my neck. Pretty sure it's going to be stiff tomorrow morning.

"Let me help". I feel him stand up and walk to the back of the chair. Next thing I know his hands are at my shoulder. I'm about to swat his hands away when his hands start massaging the kinks in my neck and the tension in my shoulders seep away.

"Thank you".

Minutes later ,after he has thoroughly rubbed all the kinks out. He comes back around to sit down.

"Thanks for that". I give him a small, grateful smile.

"No, it's okay. It's my fault. I shouldn't have frightened you like that". He gives me a sheepish smile.

"You didn't frighten me". I roll my eyes, before holding out my hand for an handshake. "I'm Katie ".

He gives it a gentle shake. "Lucas".

"Nice to meet you".

"Nice to meet you too ". Just as he finishes speaking, a car drives into the parking lot. "That's my cue, gotta go". He stands up and takes a few steps before turning back around. "Or do you need help getting home, we could drop you off and it would be no trouble at all"

I start shaking my head undecidedly when my phone screen turns on suddenly, flashing the time, 5:30 PM, then it vibrates and shuts down. "You know what? That would be so helpful. Thank you". I pick up my bag and walk quickly to his side.

He leads me to his ride and stops to chat briefly with the driver before opening the back door and gesturing for me to get in.

As I settle into the backseat, I begin to consider the pros and cons of my decision. I don't even know the guy. My phone is dead. I don't know this area very well. I don't know who I could call for help if anything happens. I am about to start doing my breathing exercises when Lucas speaks again.

"I'm new here. I mean, I'm new at the school ".

"Me too".

The innocence in his words calm me and my thoughts stray onto other topics.

My dad would never forget to pick me up. He has never done that before. He knows I don't know this place very well so he wouldn't even trust me to take the bus. What could have happened?

That bitch.


4 chapters in one week. I'm literally blown away right now. Hope to God that I can keep this up. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.
This chapter is dedicated to Lanreth.
Please vote and comment please.  Your comments mean the world to me. Also share ,please.
Thanks ,once again for reading.
Hope y'all are staying safe. We'll make it through this.
Love you.
23:33. Fri , 8 January, 2021.

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