Chapter 14

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I heaved a huge sigh of relief as I exited my last class of the day. I nodded tiredly at some classmates who waved as they rushed by. I've lived in this area my whole life, so basically most of the people in my class are people I went to kindergarten with. I turned the corridor  and came chest to chest with chest with Chelsea-if you could even call it that.

She narrowed her eyes at me as she struck a pose by resting her right elbow on her left wrist as if waiting for me to move out of the way.

I rolled my eyes, the last thing I need right now was her hateful energy around me. I moved out of her way shaking my head. I hear her his before she resumed her trot down the hallway.

Drama queen.

I reached my locker just as Jazz came into the corridor, elbow locked around Chi's. They stopped at my locker. Chi unhooking her arm from Jazz's.

"I have to go and take some books from my locker, please wait for me, I will be right back." Chi says as she rushes down the corridor towards her locker.

Jazz rest leisurely on the locker next to mine, watching me through barely open eyes.

"What's up with you?"


"Oh.... why did you lie earlier?" I turn to her in mock fury as I absent-mindedly emptied the contents of my bag into my locker.

"When?" Her eyes are wide open, as she tries to recollect.

"When he threatened my life and you acted like you weren't scared, you betrayed me, why?"

"Oh!" She starts laughing as she remembers. "I was so scared. Dude, that dude is terrifying, so freaking terrifying.  I think I peed my self a bit." She's gripping my upper arms tightly, her eyes wide. "I was so scared for you. Honestly, I was about to go all karate kid on his ass when he pulled back." Her tone is so ernest.

I raise my eyebrows. "Indeed."

"Indeed." Her tone turns dry. "But I wasn't about to ruin my chance with them by beating them up for your sorry ass. Sorry babe, dicks before chicks for me always." She places a solemn hand on her chest with a a mock somber look on her face. "Always."

I giggle at her antics. "You're are so messed up. Isn't it meant to be chicks before dicks, hoes before bros, V's before D's?"

"For some maybe. You done?"

I slip in my literature textbook before zipping my bag shut. "Where's Chi?"

"I'm here." She rushes towards us but stops to check her phone when a message comes in. She opens her phone and her face falls when she reads the message on the screen.

She walks towards us at a more reduced pace.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, it's okay." She pauses, as if thinking of what to say. "My aunt told me to wait behind, she wants to see to the principal. I cannot leave yet."

"See the principal?"

"Can't you just tell her he looks like you'd expect a forty something reformed dumb jock who decided in college that he wanted to spend the rest of his life educating teenagers as penance for his aggressive dumb jock years."

Chi and I stare at Jazz for a couple of seconds before she starts laughing. "No, I meant she wants to speak to him. About me."

"Oh, okay, well if you need any help ,call us. Okay." I hold out my phone to her and she does the same to me. She inputs her number in my phone and I do the same to hers.

"See you tomorrow." She walks back slowly, waving at us as she away.


We head towards the entrance, talking about how class was when Lucas steps in front of me.

"Hi, Izzy."


"Hi Jazz."

I knew that Jazz wanted to leave me alone with him as she started to slip her hand out of mine. I held on tighter. "Hey Luke, I'll just make myself scarce." She pricked my hand with her sharp fingernails and I let go if her hand with an hiss.

She exited through the doors leaving Lucas and me alone.

"So how can I help you?"

"I just wanted to ask about the tutorials for me and the guys." I wanted to laugh at how his accent made tutorials sound like some sort of extravagant dish. Instead I rolled my lips into my mouth and put on my serious thinking face.

"What about it?"

"What time and is it at school or are we meeting up at anyone of our houses?"

"I'm cool with whatever time you decide on as long as it doesn't interfere with my classes and I'm free most times after school so...." I open the small compartment in front of my bag and bring out a copy of my class timetable.

"Okay cool, we'll tell you when we've agreed on it."



"Okay.... well... I should go." I smile at him widening my eyes for a moment before I nod at him and walk away.

"Wait, can I have your number? You know for when I need to call you and stuff."

"Sure." I take his phone from him and add myself to his contacts. "Here."

"Thanks. I'll call you."

"I'll be expecting your call."



"So, we'll just pick you up this weekend."

"No problem, I'll text you my address. See you tomorrow." I waved at Chelsea as she drove off, the wind from the open roof of her convertible whipping through her hair with the Ashley, Kalila and Momore in the back. They all waved enthusiastically.

Turns out the girls weren't all that bad when they actually wanted to be friendly. I felt like I was left out if the loop a couple of times during conversations but it's all good. At least I didn't feel like a total outsider anymore.

"Katie!" I looked up to see Lucas's car pull up in front of me.


"Need a ride?"

"No, I dont think so, besides my phone is fully charged so I'm good, thanks for offering though." I waved my phone in the air to show him.

"Okay, but if you still need a ride, some of my guys are still with the principal, they could give you a ride."

I smiled. "Thanks but I'm good."

"Okay." The guy in front whacked him behind the head. "Ouch, Katie, meet my brother Deacon. Deacon, Katie." He glared at his brother. "Happy now?"

"Quite." Deacon turned to me. " Nice to meet you Katie. See you around."

"Bye." My dad drove into the school at that moment and I waved furiously so he wouldn't have to park. He noticed me instantly and pulled up beside me. I got in.

"Hey, Dad."

"Hey, sweetie. How was school?"


it's been too long. I know and I'm really sorry. I kinda got a bit carried away after I was done with my exam- finally- and then I kinda got too lazy to write but I'm back now... hopefully I don't get carried away again. But, if you're still reading, I really appreciate it.

Thanks a lot. Please vote, comment and share. Also please stay safe.

00:02 Sat, 10 April.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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