Chapter 7

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A few minutes shy of an hour later, I'm trudging up the entrance steps of the house. I press down on the door knob whilst using my body weight to  push on the door, expecting it to be opened. It doesn't budge. I hear a crafty giggle from behind the door. Not again.

"LISA. you RAT, let me in".

I hear another giggle. "Not happening ". She retorts cheekily, knocking a beat on the door to annoy me.

"MOOOOM!! I'm telling Mom. What is wrong with you, you knew I was supposed to pick you up and you went and hitched a ride with Christie's mom while I had to embark on a 15 minutes walk to you school only to discover you weren't there. AND NOW you are locking me out. I should kill you right now". I rant ,frustrated and tired.

"Mm mm mm. So what exactly is the moral of your story?". She asks with an annoyingly innocent voice.

"Nothing, just that you obviously crawled out of hell into mum's belly". I say through gritted teeth.

"That's not very nice. Is it?".

"I don't know, just let me in".


"I can't believe I'm saying this, but please ".


"No? I even said please". I grumbled, facepalming myself.

"I don't care about your please. I'm broke".

"So, how is that my business?".

"So guess what? Halle is having the ultimate birthday bash next week Saturday ".

Is she serious right now?

"And she said we must all dress in mermaid or goddess colours ".

I grunt. "Can you please get to the point so I can come inside?".

She completely ignored me, going on with her story. "So I asked mom for some cash and she said no. And I can't not go to this party because Halle invited me personally ".

"So? Lisa please just let me in".

"I plan on going as Elissa ,goddess of happiness and beauty ".

I start hitting my fist against the door like a maniac. "Lisa open this door or else I swear I will break you in two".

"So now I need some cash because the lady at the store said it costs about 40 bucks for the gown ".

"I swear to God, Elissa if you don't open this door....".

"I need some cash, okay? I didn't want to have to do this but you gave me no choice ".

"What. Do. You. Want?". I feel my teeth generating heat as it clenched.

"Oh my gosh ,thank you so much. I need just 20 bucks".

I slam my reddened fist against the door one more time before reaching for my phone. "This has gone too far now. I'm calling Mom". I'm about to press the dial button when the door opens.

"Stop! Come in".

Stepping into the house, I stop to give my sister a long look of calm frustration  before shaking my head slowly. "Thanks a lot ,Lisa". My voice is gravelly.

She doesn't reply but looks down ,avoiding my gaze. She shuts the door behind me.  I hear her coming behind me as I head upstairs to my room. "So how was school ?".

I fall face plant on my bed and exhale heavily. She follows me into my room and comes to take a seat beside me by the edge of my bed.

"Out!". I yell but it muffled by the blankets. I point a finger at the direction of my door.

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