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"Lily, get that fine ass in here!" I heard Sam yell from the kitchen, her high pitched voice echoing through the entire room as I rolled over covering my head with the only pillow I could reach. My head was pounding from the amount of alcohol I had consumed last night. Sam and I went to the bar, of course accompanied by Jacob. He kept his distance though, and even though I had thought there was something between him and Sam, he still managed to bring a girl home. Sam seemed unfazed though, snagging herself some delicious arm candy.

Today was not going to be a good day. I was sure of it as I leaned over, slowly rolling out of the bed, feet first. The throbbing commenced, leaving me crouching against the bed, cradling my neck and leaning my head onto the mattress. Fuck me! Sam was such a bad influence on me, I never knew when to stop drinking while around her, and it would surely be the death of me one day.

I finally managed to stomp my way into the kitchen, rather pitifully, and seat myself onto the bar stool directly in front of a multi-tasking Sam. She was frying eggs, stirring gravy, and dancing to Dan+ Shay. Luckily she had the music low enough that it didn't disturb the pain that was still on the left side of my temple. I placed my hand on my temple and pushed, hoping for some pressure relief, but none came.

"Here Lily. I knew you were going to need this." Jacob sighed as he placed some medicine and water in front of me. He was dressed in a white tank and black basketball shorts, his usual hangover attire. He sat beside me and placed his arm around my shoulder, the weight increasing the tension in my neck and head. I grumbled and shook his shoulder off, nodding my thanks as I downed the meds quickly, hoping they would work soon.

"You really shouldn't drink like that." Here it comes. Big brother Jacob with the lecture. I held back the eye roll.

"Not now Jacob." I mumbled as I laid my forehead against the cold marble of the island counter. It felt amazing, causing a small moan to escape my lips. 

"I'm just looking out for you." he huffed.

"Well don't. If you want someone to blame, blame Sam. She's the bad influence here." I squeezed my eyes shut. I wasn't really mad at Sam, I was a big girl, I should know my limits. She giggled as she plated the food in front of us. I could hear her squeak as she grabbed the hot biscuits with her bare hands. I smelled the sweet bacon and my stomach grumbled, a wave of nausea following. Oh God!

I barely managed to push back the stool and run into the bathroom before throwing up. It kept coming, relentless dry heaves following. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, not caring too much about the nastiness behind the action. I would shower as soon as I could stand. My whole body ached, and I was burning up. I knew my feet would betray me if I stood, so I just waited, my head leaned back against the tub.

"No Jacob, She is a big girl, she wanted to have fun. Lay off of her." I heard Sam coming to my defense as Jacob argued with her in the kitchen. I couldn't help but smile. That's my girl, my best friend. They tried to stay quiet, for my benefit I'm sure.

"Dammit Sam, don't think I wont kick you out of here if she comes home like that again." I rolled my eyes as they kept bickering. Like hell would I allow Jacob to kick Sammy out. Jacob was getting louder now as he and Sam kept going back and forth.

 I stood up slowly and tested my weight on my feet, satisfied when they didn't buckle beneath me. I walked past both of them with a glare on my face and headed to my room. I would shower in peace in there so I couldn't hear them. They both immediately went quiet as I passed by.

"Jacob, leave Sam alone." were the only words that left my mouth as I closed my door. I was unaware if they'd even heard me, my voice was only a whisper.

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