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Jacob Laine pictured above.


I spent the better part of the week getting settled in and spending quality time with my parents. I feel like I spent every waking moment with them. It was beginning to get a little irritating, but with the bombshell they dropped the first night we were home, I felt obligated to stay near home. They'd booked a flight to the Bahamas, and were leaving tonight.

They deserved it though. My parents worked hard to give us the life we deserved, and spent every bit of their free time working. My dad was a self made Billionaire; the well known CEO of Laine Enterprises. He and a few of his closest friends invented the little watches that connected to your phone, and sold the rights to Apple. He was smart about it though, and still receives forty four percent of the profits. He also created other things, but the watch was his most impressive. 

Mom on the other hand, was the Dean at Santa Clara college. She wanted me to attend there, but ultimately I decided it would be a conflict of interest for her. Now, here they were taking their first real vacation. I was super excited for them, but also glad that I would have the house to myself. I had grown used to the fact of being on my own while in college.

We had just finished dinner, and migrated towards the front door. I watched as Kent, our butler, carried my parents luggage to the car. He was starting to age, his slight limp my first indication. He was sweet, and one of the most caring people I knew. He was family to me, always around when I needed someone to talk to. Somehow I always knew he would listen to my adolescent to teenage temper tantrums and not judge. Kent was the best friend a teenage girl could ask for. I really should start calling him to check in.

"Goodbye you two. Please Jacob, take care of your sister." My mom called over her shoulder. We weren't the lovey-dovey family, and rarely hugged, but we felt the love over the years. Never once did either of us doubt that our parents loved us. Jacob rolled his eyes and I huffed.

"Mother! I'm literally two weeks away from my twentieth birthday." 

"So?" Dad asked, smirking.

"So, I am a big girl, and I can take care of myself. Now where did you hide the alcohol?" I asked playfully. My dad rolled his eyes, and mom spun on her heels to face me. Her blonde hair danced across her shoulders, and her sunglasses barely shifting on top of her head. She scowled at me even though she knew I was joking.

"Lilian." She deadpanned. Jacob barked out a laugh as he turned away to head back into the living room. I winked at mother, and followed behind Jacob. I listened to the sound of my parents shuffling out the door, finally heading towards their destination. Finally.

"So..." I started, facing Jacob as he flipped the television remote in the air, catching it. He raised his eyebrow at me, unable to stop flipping that darn remote. his little fidgety shit that he always did really irked me. 

"Yes?" He asked, still twirling the remote between his fingers. I willed myself to stand still, and not flip out on Jacob. It wasn't his fault his quirks were super annoying to me. Never the less, my nerves won my internal battle as I caught myself silently stalking towards him, and swatting the remote out of his grasp and onto the couch. 

I squeezed my eyes shut and sighed dramatically. "Please stop that." I slowly opened my eyes and watched as Jacob mouthed the word 'okay' with his eyebrows raised. "I'm going out. you're welcome to join me, but I want to enjoy the time we have." I replied to his annoying persona in front of me. Jacob fist pumped the air and woo-hoo'd. He agreed on one condition, and that was that I wasn't allowed to cock block him. As if I would even try.

I decided to get really fancy, well as fancy as I could and still fit in at our little bar scene. I slid on a yellow sundress that had thin black straps and a black belt that sat snugly beneath my boobs, and paired it with some black pumps. These were new,  and nowhere near the same height as the pair Sam had let me borrow. I smiled as I picked up my phone and snapped a picture of myself in the mirror. Sam would freak when she seen me, no doubt as soon as I pressed send she would call. Freaking clockwork.

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