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"What are you talking about, Jacob?" I asked lightly. I needed to tread shallow waters with this subject.

He was fuming as he stepped back and rubbed his hand over his head. If I had paid attention when I walked in the door, I could have escaped this whole encounter. Technically it wasn't my fault that I was still seeing stars and out of my mind when I stumbled into the kitchen. Garrett really did a number on my neck if Jacobs face was any indication.

"You have a hickey," He boomed, "Or a bite mark. Hell I don't even know what it is." He shook his head violently and turned away, his shoulders still moving from the deep breaths he was taking.  This was about to get really ugly. I hated seeing Jacob angry, because he was always destructive. I knew what was about to happen as he lifted the coffee mug from the counter top and slung it across the room. Great. I flinched as he continued yelling.

"What the hell Lily?" He suddenly spun towards me, eyes wild and arms crossed. I needed something quick to say that would diffuse the situation, but there was nothing.

"I don't know what to tell you Jacob." I began, as I turned back towards the stove to load the pizza. "I am an adult." I could have said something other than that.

"Well you're also my baby sister. You don't need to go around looking like a whore."

I gasped at his words. Deep down I knew he didn't mean it the way it came out. If there was anyone who was always on my side, it was my brother, but I couldn't help the sudden anger that surged from within me. So I took a page out of his book and grabbed the empty pizza box and threw it at him. My eyes were burning and my chest was tightening up.

"I may be a lot of things, but I am not a whore." I screamed as I rushed past him. "Fix your own damn food you asshole."

I didn't stop when I heard Jacob shuffling behind me, calling my name. I heard it in his voice, he was hurt too, but I didn't care. Not at the moment, anyways. I slammed the door to the pool house in his face and stomped to the bathroom. I ignored the mirror as I yanked open the shower curtain and turned the water on scalding hot.  Once I was convinced it was hot enough, I undressed and hopped in.

After my shower, I stepped out and dried off. I wiped the mirror clean and decided it was finally time to see what had gotten Jacob so upset. I leaned my neck to the side and smiled. It wasn't even that big, but it was definitely noticeable. Looking at it now made me weak in the knees. My mind went back to all the things he did with his tongue in my mouth, and on my neck. he was skilled, that's for sure.

I went to bed hungry, and mad. I had a hard time falling asleep knowing Jacob and I were mad at each other. Luckily Sam was always around to listen. We face timed for over an hour and I explained everything to her. I didn't mention Garrett by name, but I did mention the things he had done to me, and the way Jacob over reacted.

'Do you really think he over reacted though?" She asked. "I mean, you are his baby sis."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But you see it! It isn't even that big." I defended myself. I knew she was right but still, Jacob could have been a little nicer. Sam agreed that he didn't have to blow up about it, but really we couldn't expect any less of him. We finished talking around one in the morning. I said goodbye and finally went to sleep.

Six o clock came too early, I ended up cutting off my alarm and not waking up until seven forty five.  I drug my butt out of bed, quietly changed into some work out clothes, and headed out the door. It was warm, already in the upper sixties, but the wind was blowing. I jogged down the driveway, working up a good pace while plugging in my ear buds. When I reached the end of the drive way I stopped as I noticed a bike propped up against the gate.  I walked up to it and picked up the little note that was folded neatly inside the basket.

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