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I couldn't stop myself from grinning as I walked up to Garrett standing by his BMW. He was stunning, and dressed immaculate. I immediately regretted my clothing choice, but there was no backing out now. He took a moment to glance at me as he pulled open the door, a slow smirk tugging at his lips.

"Bellissimo." He drawled.

"Garrett." I curtseyed as I stepped past him into the door he held open. I heard his deep chuckle as he shut the door and made his way to the driver's side.

"You ate dinner, yeah?" Garrett wondered aloud. I nodded at him before turning to face out the window. Garrett didn't waste any time speeding down the road, slightly frightening me. I'm not sure what it was that caught his attention, but his deep chuckle resonated through my entire body as he slowed down to a normal pace.

"Oh, bellissimo you're too precious." Garrett hummed as he made a left turn towards the park. I would never get tired of hearing his deep masculine threaded voice.  I leaned my head on the seat facing him and smiled. This guy dressed better than anyone I had ever laid eyes on. His deep brown pants that fit tightly against his thighs, loafers that matched, and a white button up shirt. Let's not talk about his hair, his perfectly sculpted brown hair.

"If we are going to a park, then why did you dress like that?" I asked aloud.

"Why not? You like what you see, yes?" Garrett challenged, with a wink. I felt my cheeks redden as I turned back towards the window. Of course I liked what I seen, every damn bit of him. Id like it a little better if the clothes were in a pile on the ground, but beggars cant be choosers.

Finally we were parked and Garrett was walking around to my side of the car when I opened it and stepped out. "Shit" I mumbled under my breath when I realized Garrett had all intentions of opening the door for me.

"I didn't realize you were going to open the door." I fumbled over my words, hoping he missed the panic in my voice. God knows his control freak side was having a fit.  He scowled at me but didn't say anything as he reached for my elbow.

He had a basket in his hands as he led me towards the trail. I giggled as we walked. To onlookers, I was certain we looked like quite a pair. His fancy ass guiding my bum ass into the woods was something else.

"So, are you going to behave today?" His deep accent awakened the butterflies in my stomach, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I don't know, are you going to tease me again?" I retorted, still sour from the last meeting. His grin told me everything. He was proud of himself. I rolled my eyes after I turned my head.

"I seen that you big baby." He chided. We walked deep into the trail and then Garrett pulled me off into a thicket, leading me away from the path. I was aware that he still had his hand wrapped around my elbow so I slowly pulled my arm away testing his patience.

"I can walk by myself." I whispered as he glanced back at me. He scrunched his face together, trying to figure me out as he stopped in front of me. He placed the basket down and then stalked up to me, causing me to back into a large oak tree. Well played Garrett, well played.

I lifted my chin as he neared, not backing down. He knew I knew I was backed into a corner, and I could see the thrill in his eyes. He was like a predator stalking his prey, and I was turned on. I wanted his dominating hands on me so bad. I bit my lower lip and closed my eyes as he leaned his head into the side of my neck.

"You smell so good." His words fanned against my throat causing my nipples to harden. I swallowed, refusing to let him see the way he was affecting me. He knew though, and I felt his lips kiss the spot above my shoulder before he bit me, causing a moan to escape my lips.

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