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Lily Laine pictured above.


I woke up with an excruciating pain in my head. This was definitely one of the worst hangovers I've ever had. I didn't have the urge to throw up, but that was the only positive I could think of considering I wasn't in my bed. I looked around quickly, immediately regretting the sudden movements. This was definitely not my room. I needed to call Sam. I looked down and gasped. I wasn't wearing my dress anymore. I was in my strapless bra and my thongs, but the dress was M.I.A. Shit!

I looked around the room slower this time, looking for any indication of whose room I was in. The room was very impersonal, no pictures or anything laying around, but very tidy. It was a basic white room with a black leather chair in the corner that matched the black blanket that I was currently swallowed beneath. I peered over the side of the bed, looking for my phone, but didn't see it. There was my dress, tangled in a mess. Traitor. I did notice a book flipped over halfway beneath the chair across from me. I wondered what book it was, so I slid myself off of the bed and walked over to it. I bent down to get a closer look.

"Even better view today." I heard from behind me. I snapped up and spun around. My hands rushed to my temples and my eyes slowly closed. My head really hurt. My eyes flipped open again and I focused on the person in front of me. I couldn't remember everything about last night, but I definitely remembered this guy. What the hell happened? The man in front of me still had a grin plastered on his face as he walked towards me, his cologne still floating in the air. Yummy. His eyes were trailing my body, so I looked down to see what the big deal was. I had forgotten I was still in my underwear. My hands reached down to cover my chest.

"Take these, and this water." He said in his deep Italian accent, holding out some aspirin and a glass of water. I really wanted to take them, but my hands were busy hiding myself. He noticed my hesitation, and let out a chuckle, all while closing his eyes and turning his head.

"Thanks." I said, and quickly took the things from his hands. He still had his head turned so I made a move towards the bed and popped the aspirin in my mouth. Once I downed the water, I reached for my dress and quickly slid it over my legs. As I came up to pull the dress over my neck, I felt the rush of blood go to my head. I shook my head trying to get the pain to go away. I turned around and noticed that he was still standing there, with his eyes closed. I let out a chuckle, not meaning to, and smiled. it was oddly refreshing that he had enough respect to keep his head turned. 

"I'm dressed now." I slipped the words out nervously. Finally he faced me again, and I was hit with those piercing eyes. They were definitely hazel. "So um, about last night," I started, unaware of what to say next. He walked over and sat down on the bed, looking amused. those lips were fucking gorgeous. He just sat there waiting for me to continue. Its kind of hard to continue when you have no idea what happened, or what to even say. Hell it's hard to say anything with him staring back at you, expectantly.

"Uh huh?" He urged, still smirking.

"Well it was great... I had a good time, but I should be leaving." I stumbled my words together quickly. He let out another laugh and then furrowed his brows, his expression suddenly serious. Well if that shit wasn't sexy too.

"Was it good enough for you?" He asked, and my jaw fell open. Oh my God, did we have sex? He reached over and rubbed his finger down my forearm, ending with his thumb against the inside of my wrist. I gulped, loudly. How do I answer that question without hurting someone's feelings. I looked around the room, trying to find the right words to say. Honestly, I wish I did remember having sex with him, I bet he knew what he was doing. I bit my lip, trying to get the images out of my head.

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