Episode 68: Aureka's Judgement

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            "Hey look Zac, I'm sorry for taking my anger out on you," apologized Travis.

            "No sweat, I know where you're coming from. Remember Angela and that Siren incident," said Zac. Travis remembered and gave Zac a handshake hug when Jenna entered the throne room.

            "Okay so both Tyisim, Syrus, and Frost are in the recovery room. While I felt it best to leave Leo and Trista here until we make a group decision," explained Jenna.

            Meanwhile, Princess Aureka traveled down the corridor to the glass room that at one time held the chalice. The two guards saluted by standing at attention as she nodded her head to them while entering into the room. The room was actually entirely made up of crystals so clear it resemble that of glass. Aureka waved her hand where the chalice once laid, causing the column to descend in height. The wall behind it began opening up revealing square shape crystal clear titles and glass columns and poles. In the center was another room, but unlike the structure, it wasn't made of glass or crystal, but stone in a form of a ruin. Within the stone ruin laid two crowns.

            "What troubles you my child?" Aureka turned around slowly and there standing beside her was her father, King Zé-kéll Vandarama (Zeh-kell) in a ghostly apparition.

            "...father," she whispered to herself. She performed a curtsy bow before speaking. "Father, I'm facing one of the toughest decision ever that I must make. Dycoon has been taken over by Xiong's armor and now he speaks through him. But what must I do...do I save my kingdom and destroy the man that I love or let the kingdom and everything in it just fall?" she asked him.

            "The choices I had to make to defeat him were of my own. As part of the Royal Family the choices you must and will make will affect your kingdom and the outcome that comes after," he told her.

            "But am I ready for the path that's before me? The responsibility I have now compares nothing to it," she said. 

"It is yours to make Aureka, but...the reason I've come to see you is to offer you my blessing," explained King Zé-kéll. He waved his hand and the King's crown disappeared. "When the time is right, you will know what to do with it. Consider this a late wedding present from me to you," he said with a proud smile on his face before vanishing.

            "You alright?" asked Daloris as Leo slowly stood up.

            "Compared to the future, this is actually one of my better days," joked Leo.

            "What's the plan?" asked Daloris.  

            "We will fight." Everyone turned around seeing Aureka and in her hands she held a crown. "The Kingdom of Laberia is no more. I have made my judgment and on this day 9 century year 05 of the Salutis Century Calendar. I Princess Aureka Leonn'e Vandarama hereby crown myself Queen of Imperial City!" Aureka held up the crown and placed it on top of her head as an explosion of the full Royal Family's power manifested throughout her body as everyone in the throne room shielded their eyes. All four Elemental Warriors gasped as their Crystal Hearts shot out of their chest and floated around Trista's body. Daloris' own Crystal Heart shot out from her chest and hovered above the other hearts. A beam of light shot down from Daloris' Crystal Heart, splitting into four beams, hitting all four Crystal Hearts. The energy it was giving off was enough to reassemble Trista's shattered Crystal Heart, making it whole again. The heart floated back inside Trista's chest as she gasped for air. This caused the other Crystal Hearts to return back to their owners.

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