Part 8

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Naruto looked at Tenro suspiciously as he went around him contently. "Are you going to do that the whole time?" Tenro asked in a really annoyed tone. "So are you related to him?" The pineapple haired boy asked. 

"Tecnically we are but it is thankfully not by blood" Tenro said while glaring at Naruto who was still walking around him. "You seem weak, but dont worry I'll train you" The boy announced causing Tenro's eyebrow to twitch. "Step away from me half breed" Tenro said with annoyance. "Half breed?" Naruto repeated with confusion.

 Tenro simply walked pass Naruto and sat down at the closest open seat. Suddenly Iruka ran into the class and instantly spotted Naruto. "There you are" He yelled, grabbing the boy by the collar. "Do you know what you did?!" 

"Oh, i only repainted a few stalls to give the village more color" Naruto said innocently. "Your going to clean up that mess after class. Do you under stand?" Naruto nodded at this with a large grin still on his face. 

Soon the class got quiet again as Naruto got to his seat and Iruka got to the front of the class. 

"All right, I presume most of you have already met Tenro over there, is there any questions you might have?" Iruka asked in a calm tone. The man seemed weird to Tenro. One moment he is raging and the next he is as calm as a cucumber. 

A blond girl stuck her hand up and quickly turned to Tenro. "Are you single?" She asked 

Tenro looked confused at the girls question. "Single? What does that mean?" 

Before the girl could continue, Iruka interupted her. "Lets not ask that while in class, are there any other questions?" 

A boy with weird markings on his face put his hands up next. "We were told that the Uzumaki's are a destroyed clan, yet here is another Uzumkai that no one has known about? Seems odd to me"

"Well Kiba if you remember during that lesson, I said that the Uzumaki's were a destroyed clan but they still have some members still alive. All right last question" Iruka said as there was a sudden horde of hands in the air. 

Iruka then chose a girl with pink hair next. "What is a Half breed? Naruto is a Uzumaki but Tenro calls him a half breed?" 

"Well i don't know much from the clan and how they can identify each other but a half breed is usually someone who is not 100% part of the clan. Someone who is not full blooded. Anyway that is enough questions for now. If you have any more, ask Tenro after school." Iruka said, basically throwing Tenro a hard ball.  

"For today we will be doing some ninjutsu training. Now as most of you know, to do a jutsu you need to do hand signs. Usually a hand sign is done with two hands but if a jutsu is performed enough times and the user knows the jutsu well, they can go down to one hand" Iruka explained. 

"But hand signs are not everything, why don't we practice a bit of ninjutsu. Who here can preform a jutsu for us?" Iruka looked over the room, looking for a volunteer. "Tenro why don't you come up" 

Tenro sighed as he walked down to the front and turned to the class. "This will also be a small test to see how far behind you are from the class. Don't worry if you can't do it." Iruka whispered, this only made Tenro angrier. No one must ever tell him that he cant do it or that he is behind. 

"Since Tenro is new here, we will use an easy jutsu, the transformation jutsu. Pick anyone form the class and transform into them." 

A small tick mark formed on the boy's face. Performing this jutsu is humiliating to him since it is so below him. "Fine" The boy said as he quickly transformed into the first person he saw, a plumpy kid with a bag of chips in his hands. Tenro even recreated the chips. 

"Well done Tenro. Now lets continue the lecture on how chakra is used to do something like this"

Uzumaki blood line (Naruto fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ