Part 1

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In the land of whirlpools was a clan called Uzumaki. They use to be one of the leading powers in the ninja world but after one tragic night, the clan was reduced to dust. Only a few people survived and all have spread across the country each trying to survive. 

Little did anyone know, the Uzumaki clan leader did something a few minutes before he died. The old and wise man placed a seal onto his 12 year old son, seemingly freezing the boy in time. 

Most people that saw the frozen boy simply thought it was some sort of ancient statue and left it there to gather dust along with all the other buildings. But on this day, the seal that was placed on the young boy broke finally releasing him. 

The boy fell to the ground at the sudden release he felt. "W-where am I?" He asked having a large headache. 

He slowly looked around him seeing the destroyed buildings and no trace of anyone else. "I...I have to find father" The boy said before he shot off running into where the main building was but he was nowhere to be found. 

Tenro then decided to run to the nearest village he knew of in hopes that maybe someone there knows what was happening. The third great ninja war just started and a moment later everything changed. 

He only came back to the village to restock on supplies before going back out to continue the battle. 

"What happened" Tenro asked as he ran through the forest, letting the branches hit him across the body. He simply did not care he has to find out where the clan is. 

Before too much time passed, Tenro arrived at the small settlement close by. He slowly stopped running as he looked to where the town leaders house was. 

Tenro quickly nodded on the door but it was a young woman who answered it. "H-Hi miss, is mr Sako here?" He asked. 

The woman looked at the boy oddly. "He has been dead for nearly 10 years now, why is that?" 

Tenro's eyes widen at this. Sako use to be a few years older than him and became the leader of the village. They use to be really good friends. "Well, how did he die?" Tenro asked, looking down to his feet. 

The woman looked at Tenro oddly before asking "No sorry i don't know. Is there anything else i can help you with  or are you done here?" 

"Oh, umm can you tell me where the Uzumaki clan is located right now?" 

The woman frowned at this. "The Uzumaki clan is destroyed. are a Uzumaki aren't you? Yes you are the red hair how could i of not noticed. Well kid, I'll sent word to the only village that did not betray the Uzumaki's"

"The Uzumaki clan is destroyed...your lying. They can't be gone." 
"They are kid. I'll send word to the hidden leaf village they know a lot more about the Uzumaki's than we do. Ill get someone to escort you off the island then you should make your way to the village" The woman said before turning around but soon stopped. 

"Why are you helping me?" 

"In the history of this small village, the Uzumaki's always protected it. See this as our payback for everything your clan has done to help us." 

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