Part 3

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Asuma along with Tenro soon arrived at the hidden leaf village. Most of the villagers gawked at the sight of Tenro. Some of the people could immediately tell that he was an Uzumaki. 

"So where are we going to?" Tenro asked breaking the silence that was between them. "I'm taking you to the Hokage, he would want to see you as soon as possible" Asuma said as he lighted up another cigarette. 

"So is Hiruzen Sarutobi still alive? If so then this might be fun" Tenro said. He remembered the man since him and Tenro's father had a lot of meetings together.  

Asuma looked at the boy oddly. "Yes, he is. Do you know him by any chance?" Asuma asked with curiosity. "I know of him and have seen him a few times, never spoken to him though." 

Asuma only nodded since he was also confused about Tenro's background but he guessed everything will be revealed once there with his father. 

"Just head into this red building, the Hokage is at the top floor" Asuma said as he held open the door for Tenro and followed him in. 

Soon, Tenro knocked on the office door and they both heard a "Come in" from the Hokage. The boy was hesitant at first but was soon ushered in by Asuma. "Lord Hokage" Asuma said as he knelled down in front of the table, followed by Tenro as the boy did the same. 

"oh Asuma, what can I help you with?" The man said having a smile on his face. "Well on my way back from a mission I found him. He says his name is Tenro Uzumaki" 

Hiruzen turned and looked at Tenro with curiosity. " in the son of the Uzumaki clan leader? But aren't you too young to be his child?" 

"My father placed me in a time seal that froze me in a statue like state for a few years. When I woke up i saw the entire village destroyed. I ran as fast as possible to a nearby village and i was told that the clan was destroyed. Is this true sir?" Tenro asked with the most respect he had, not even looking at the man and still knelling down.

 "I am sorry to inform you but that information is true. We only know of one Uzumaki still alive. He is inside this village but he is not full blooded like you are" Hiruzen said as he got out a photo from his desk and handed Tenro the photo of the blond boy. 

"Half breed?" Tenro asked as he looked curiously at the photo. "His mother was a full blooded Uzumaki unfortunately i can not relay the fathers information to you. But if you don't mind me asking, you are the heir to the Uzumaki clan and with this information what are you going to do now?" 

Tenro was in silence. Seeing a half breed angered the boy. Since he was a child, the clan basically fused it into his mind that half breeds are a disgrace. Asuma suddenly bumped Tenro on the side bringing the boy back to reality. 

"Honestly sir I do not know. My long term plan is probably trying to revive the Uzumaki clan but that might be a bit difficult." 

Hiruzen nodded at. "Why don't you become part of the hidden leaf? We did have a partnership with your clan before hand and there still is a place where your father use to stay every time he came to the village. In exchange for staying here for free as well as receiving a monthly allowance you become a ninja of the village. We could really use someone like you" 

Tenro only thought over it for a second until the realization struck him. He does not have anywhere else to go and staying in a village that use to cooperate with his clan might be the best plan as well as he can hide form who ever destroyed his clan. 

"Thank you for that offer sir." Tenro said, bowing towards the Hokage. "What was your ranking before the 'incident?' " Hiruzen asked as he made his way back to his seat. 

"Well sir I did not have a ranking. As soon as I was old enough I was sent into battle in the third war." 

"So you did fight in that battle. Well then I'll have you join the academy for in case you might not know some things. It is a bit late in the year but there still is a few days before graduation. Are you ok with that?" 

Tenro simply nodded at the man. "All right, Asuma if there isn't anything else you want to tell me then can I ask you to escort Tenro here to the Uzumaki clan house?" 

"Yes lord Hokage" Asuma said with a slight bow before he started going out the room. "I hope you enjoy staying in the leaf village Tenro." The man said giving Tenro a warm smile.  

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