"we heroes don't seek fame or ranks. Our duty is to help others in need, protect the poeple who cannot defend themselves and save others when their in times of despair. And always put a smile on your face no matter how scary things are" I said.

"I can see All Might within you, you're know a future pro-hero who strives to be one" he said.

"thank you, Tsuragamae" I smiled

"But allow me as the chief of police to thank you" he said while he bows.

"you know, you could've have started with that" Shoto said

"ufufu, come on the best is always last" I said

I suddenly felt moved when he thanked us but Shoto doesn't, since his Father will take the fame, while we act as bystanders who got mixed up. Days have passed we've been hearing the news that the Hero-Killer has been caught by Endeavor, but the truth is we did. But it doesn't matter as long that we're alive.

Hours later

I walk outside the lounge to make a phone call to Ochaco.

"so hows your injuries?" Ochaco ask

"it's fine, it's healing faster" I answer

"I'm glad that you're okay" Ochaco said "I was so worried about your message"

"yeah, but everythings fine. The boys are injured but I think thay'll be fine afterwards" I said

"I see-"

"oh call you later, see you back at school" Ochaco said


Then we end our call.

I walk back to our hospital room I slid the door open then close it from behind, then I can see Shoto is very silent sitting on his hospital bed.

I sighed "thank goodness we got off the hook" I said "what do you say Shoto, you still good?" I ask him

"yeah, I'm fine" I saw his face is serious while he's sitting on his hospital bed

I stood up then sit beside him "Shoto, what's wrong?" I ask.

He sighed heavily "it's just that... I'm not like my old man that wants fame. he's that he's gonna receive another fame for himself. Even though we're the ones who defeated the hero-killer but I don't want to be the kind person he is!"

"I still don't forgive him for what he did to me and to Mom! He's a scumbag a scumbag that seeks a name for himself! He wants me to become number one, he wants me to surpass All Might, I was only a child he treated me as a weapon. Whenever he's around I couldn't bare but-"

I cut him off while I caress his cheek "Shoto listen" I said in calm voice and a warm smile

"remember you're not your Father you're you. A kind person who is stronger every time he's fighting something for his dream, you dreamed to be a hero just my Dad All Might."

"Fame only makes you famous and makes sound more powerful. But the truth is Fame is only a sound to spread rumors. My Dad might be the No. 1 hero but he is only called the symbol of peace not by rank but a symbol who filled the world with brimming hope" I said as his eyes widen

I look deep to his heterochromia eyes "And if you don't want to forgive it's your choice, when the day I saw you being in UA I was surprised that you became my classmate. Then the time at USJ you helped me saved Dad I was so greatful that the others helped us, during the time at the sports you were blaming yourself for using you left-side but I told you it's okay then look how far it got. You became strong just like I said"

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