I'm Fangirling, Again?

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Pffft....Again?!? I'd never stop! Okay, okay I'd give it a try 🤷‍♀️ Eat your green beans lovely ARMY Wives! 🤣

Jungkook tilted his head, "In the dream? It must have been pretty bad."

"No! It wasn't....I mean it was, but the worst part was that I thought you wouldn't save me, but you did...you woke me up." She wrapped her arms around him.

"It's okay, baby. I won't let anything happen to you."

She let go of him and Jungkook rolled over onto his side and off the bed, "What was after you?"

"Huh?" She shot her head up as she got out of the bed. Everyone, including Namjoon waiting for an answer with concerned looks on their faces, "Uh.... I don't remember exactly what it was.... it's funny how that works." She shrugged her shoulders and held her head down to hide her blushing cheeks as Jungkook pressed his lips together.

"I know how that is," Jhope sighed as he crossed his arms and looked off into the distance, "I keep having this nightmare where I eat too many burritos....and I can never see the person that's feeding them to me, but I know they are the bad guy."

Jungkook laughed, "Too many burritos? What's the nightmare part? Blowing the toilet up afterwards?"

Jhope's eyes widened as he suddenly became embarrassed, "I don't want to tell."

Namjoon rolled his eyes, "Good, because I don't want to know. I'll be in the kitchen making breakfast."

Y/N watched Namjoon walk out of the room as the others followed him and she turned her attention to Jungkook, a wide smile on her face. He pulled his pants over his boxers and started looping his belt as she caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. He stopped and looked up, "Hey," He grinned and looked around, "What's that look for?"

"Hmmm?" She murmured, lost in his eyes, "Oh, I'm just being silly I guess."

"Of course not, I love it when you look at me like that." He buckled his belt and jumped on the bed on his knees, "I remember that look on your face, when we first met, it was glued on your face." He bent his head down and looked in her eyes, "Fangirling looks beautiful on you."

She gasped, "Hey! I'm not fangirling!" She giggled as she hid her face and he pulled her hands away, "You should have those dreams more often so I can save you," He winked, "From whatever it was that was trying to get you, you really don't remember?"

"Uh, no, actually. It's so weird." She lied. It wasn't easy to fool him, but he decided whatever was in her dream was her privacy, if she didn't want to tell him, he wasn't going to push her. "Okay then, come on, let's go help Namjoon with breakfast."

"Uh, yeah sure, let me get dressed first, I'll be in there in a few." He pecked her on the lips and went to help Namjoon.

As soon as he closed the door she fell backwards on the bed.

Uggggh, why a dream about Namjoon?

She scrunched her face, disgusted that her brain could come up with such a horrible scenario, especially about one of the most decent people she had ever met.

She pondered as she dressed herself, if all dreams come from the subconscious, did she want that to happen? Did she have sexual feelings for him?

No way. He's hot but....I'm not attracted to him like that. It must have been the alcohol messing with my dreams.

She pulled on a top and some shorts and confidently walked into the kitchen, only to lose all of it when Namjoon turned around to her with a plate full of eggs, "Right on time! There you go."

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