Nightmare Part Two

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"Hey buddy, I got your pills and some water, still hurts, huh?" Namjoon realized he sounded as if he was speaking to a child; although, Jungkook didn't make him feel too awful bad when he saw his cheeks poke out cutely as he swallowed the pills and water.

"Let me know if there's anything else I can do, okay? Get some sleep tonight, maybe we can play video games or something tomorrow."

He left the room and Jungkook turned his head towards Y/N, "If I tell you, please don't talk about it with anybody, I'm sure they already know, I just don't want anyone talking about it."

Y/N sat up, "I will only give information on a need-to-know basis, I promise."

He explained, using not so many words, but rather a lot of "you know's" and hand gestures, sobbing at times. It was incredibly hard for him as he pushed through, even when his voice cracked, but her staying calm, listening intently, and every now and then nodding her head made him feel a lot better.

When he was done pouring out his soul, she held his hand close to her heart. "That sounds frightening, baby." She said in almost a whisper.

"I just don't understand!" He yelled in frustration, "Why would he do that? He was my best friend, no, my brother!" Y/N shook her head silently.

He continued his rant, "He was fine the last time I saw him! I think what scared me most was that look in his eyes, I can't get it out of my head." He ran his fingers through his hair as he continued to question Taehyung's motives in his head.

He couldn't fathom what on earth would make Taehyung want to hurt him so bad, to kill him, to do things to him. Suddenly curious, he turned his head to Y/N, "How did you find me? How did you know where I was?"

"Well," she shifted and curled her legs under her, "I....thought I was hearing you....I guess I didn' was just, so crazy, I think I was going out of my mind."

"But Y/ found me."


The next day, Jungkook woke up to the sound of arguing and immediately checked that his hands weren't cuffed. Y/N was on the phone in the doorway of his bedroom fussing with someone and Namjoon was in the hallway doing the same.

He crawled out of the bed slowly and looked at them strangely when Y/N noticed he was awake.

"I'm sorry we woke you, baby. Please, lay down, we'll get you something to eat."

She then called to Jimin to let him know that he was awake before continuing her rant on the phone, in a whisper this time.

"I don't care how it happened! You need to find him NOW! I want an update EVERY 15 minutes and I want police patrolling the neighborhood!" She spit into the phone as quietly as possible.

She hung up and looked to Namjoon, rage in her eyes. Jimin walked past them into the room carrying a tray of food and laid it down on the bed beside him.

"You need any help?" Jimin asked as he sat on the other side of the bed.

Jungkook looked at him, his chest heaving, "Wh-what's happening?" He asked him, his eyes wide.

"I'm not sure, man. Don't worry though, it's gonna be okay." Jimin said without looking at him.

A wave of nausea came over him as he looked back at Y/N, he could always read her like a book.

Once Namjoon had hung up, Y/N and him whispered something to each other and looked directly at Jungkook.

"He's out, isn't he?" Jungkook asked.

They were very hesitant to tell him as they exchanged worried looks, "Okay, everything is fine," Y/N hesitated to finish and Namjoon jumped in, "Taehyung escaped, they completely lost him, and that girl that they found in the woods, she's gone too."

Jungkook visibly shivered at the news and started to gag. Jimin grabbed the small trash can beside the bed and placed it under his mouth just in time to avoid a mess on the bed. He rubbed Jungkook's back as he continued to lurch and gag.

"He won't..." He gagged into the trash can one last time, wiping his mouth as he inhaled, "He won't stop until I'm dead. I want to leave....let's go to the US."

Y/N sat down beside him and leaned her head on his, taking his hand into hers, "We can go, but not with you like this. You just have to heal a little more, they won't clear you to fly like this."

He exhaled, "Get your mother to take the baby and go stay at my parents' home, they already offered yesterday when I talked to them."

"Okay, I'll get Jin to take them, let's get you a shower, then maybe we can doodle something together, we haven't drawn in a while, does that sound cool?"

"I guess." He lied. He wanted to run, run and never stop running but these horrific injuries were the perfect hinderance.

After Y/N was able to convince Jungkook that everything was okay and got him calmed down enough to take a shower, she explained to him that the police were roaming the neighborhood and she even had some of his guards hanging outside the house.

"See, we are all in here, they are out there, nothing bad is gonna happen this time," she insisted, handing him the clothes she picked out for him.

Once he was finished dressing, they went to meet Namjoon and one of the other managers in the living room. "So, we think Taehyung is getting help from someone, possibly someone in a position of power," advised a detective, sipping his coffee.

Y/N had up until now knew they were safe, but now she wasn't so sure. She looked to Jungkook as he was messing with his arm bandage, seemingly unaware of what the detective just said.

"What's wrong, is it too tight?" She asked him, feeling for herself. He flinched upon her touching him. "No, it just hurts more than normal, did I take my medicine yet?"

"You can take another one in about 30 minutes," she informed him as she looked at the clock on the wall. He laid back on the couch like everything was fine, except he was holding his arm.

"Seojun, how can you and the police force guarantee this family's protection? They can't go through anymore." Namjoon questioned. The manager sighed and nodded his head, "I get that, I sympathize with you all, I really do, but this is much bigger than just this family." He turned to the detective who was taking a sip of coffee. "Oh," he quickly swallowed, "I have a hunch that this isn't just about Mr. Jeon, I have reason to believe that they are after all BTS members, they're just trying to take them out one by one."

Namjoon stepped back, placing his hand on his chin, "What makes you think this? Jungkook is clearly the one being targeted." The detective pointed out of the window with his clutching his coffee cup, "That manager guy that we arrested, all he could do is mumble about winning too many awards and that "they" will pay dearly," He shrugged his shoulders, "Naturally, I assume he meant all of you."

"Yeah, I see." He agreed.

~ ~

Later that night, after Jin confirmed that he safely saw the baby and her mother to the Jeon's home, Y/N and Jungkook had fallen asleep with the TV in their room and the rest were still roaming the house, peeking through the curtains every now and then just to make sure the guards were still in place, too stressed out to stay in bed.

Jimin finally plopped down on the couch from exhaustion, "I've had death threats before, but this is inconceivable!"

"You're telling me!" Jhope sat down with him as Namjoon stared out of the sliding glass door. "I feel like they are right outside, I can't even eat right anymore, it's too unreal."

"Shh...did you all hear that?" Namjoon cocked his head to the side, holding his hand up.

Jungkook suddenly opened his eyes to total darkness from a deep sleep, gasping. Something had woken him but he heard nothing as he strained his ears. Out of nowhere a menacing voice whispered, "Hey there, Kookie."

OMG! He's back, I'm biting my nails!

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