Back to Seoul

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Breathe ARMY Wives! Sometimes, just sometimes, it's not as bad as you think 💜

Y/N paced in the hallway, soothed only by the sound of the shower running, as long as it was on, she knew she had time to think. Was she just supposed to act as if nothing happened? How do you comfort someone in a situation like this?
As much as him literally cumming in his pants turned her on, she still felt secondhand embarrassment for him and couldn't imagine the thoughts going through his head right now.

She suddenly heard the squeaking of the faucets and placed her head gently upon the door as the water came to a full stop. After a few minutes, afraid he was never coming out, she knocked, "Jungkook, are you okay? Did you get a cramp? I've got some medicine if you need some."

He opened the door to her surprise dressed in his clean clothes. 

Dang, is he a ninja?

Holding onto his dirty clothes for dear life, he quickly passed by her,  headed to the washer "Yeah ....I get cramps sometimes, all I needed was a hot shower. "

She had given the poor boy an excuse to use and she was glad he took it. She could only imagine how long he would've been in the bathroom otherwise.

He walked back into the hallway avoiding her gaze, "You know, all that dancing. The guys get them too."

She loved how cute his bunny face was when he was nervous. "Come here," She said as she pulled him close to her, "I liked that, ALOT, maybe we can continue that sometime in the near future."

Jungkook felt heat run through his cheeks as he wrapped his arms around her, making sure her face was on his chest so that she couldn't see him blushing. His face was on fire, she knew what happened, there was no hiding it.

He wanted to die right there. This was worse than falling stupidly in front of thousands of people. This was worse than his shirt ripping open on stage for the world to see, much worse.

Only one person saw him, but it just happened to be one of the most important people in his life, and even so, he did not want to have a conversation about it.

They stood there silently, Jungkook holding onto her tightly until Y/N pulled away from him. "Why don't you pick out a movie and I'll fix us something to eat?"

A smile returned to his face. She wasn't questioning him further. She didn't think it was a huge deal and he could get on with his life. Until, that is, he kept replaying it over in his head a million times.

~ ~

He was finally called back to Seoul and just as he promised, he called her literally every bathroom break just to say hi, instead of vlives he video chatted with her, and she texted him every night at the same time to say sweet dreams.

He flew all the way from India between concerts just to be with her as their birthdays were kind of close and they decided to celebrate them together, meeting in her small town to share a cupcake and a long walk and then had to jump on another plane to make it back in time. He was more than happy to shave some time off of his sleep, as every time he talked to her he got a lover's high and couldn't sleep if he tried.

   One morning Y/N awoke to the sound of her phone buzzing on her nightstand. She looked at the time.

She saw "Jungkookie" on her caller ID and immediately answered it, "Hey, Jungkook, is everything okay?" She asked him with a worried tone, knowing he would only call her at night, her time, if there was a problem.

He sniffled on the other end and she knew it had to be bad.

"Baby, what's wrong? What happened?"

"I-I know it's very ear-early but I had to talk to you, i-is that okay?" He asked as his voice cracked.

She could tell he was holding back his tears. "Of course, honey! What happened?" She asked him again, her was heart hurting for him just hearing his sniffles.

"I f-fell," he gasped and tried to calm himself, "I fell off the stage, broke my ankle, and freaking ripped my shirt clear off my chest!"

He burst into tears silently on the other end, but she could tell. "Awwwe, Jungkook I'm so sorry. I wish I could give you a hug right now! Did they take care of your ankle? Did you get medicine for the pain?" There was a moment of silence as he tried to regain his composure.

"Yeah, but it still h-hurts," He hiccuped, "The worst part is I'll be sitting at each concert until the tour ends in March. I really screwed up this time!"

"No baby, you didn't screw up. You are human!" She reassured him. "You don't have to be perfect, ARMY didn't come there to see perfection, they came there to see BTS."

His sobbing slowed down and she could hear his breathing almost return to normal.

"If that happened to me I would never get back on that stage again, but that's what makes you strong, that's what makes you really bullet proof, all of you. You get back up there afterwards and you own that stage, I'm sure you will do it again once your ankle heals."

He had to admit she was right, he was strong and that's why he kept bouncing back, even if it didn't feel like it right now.

He laid back on his bed and got comfortable. He smiled for the first time all day through his tears. "This is why I love you. Keep talking, tell me one of your awful experiences."

"Oh my god, mine? Okay, okay, let me tell you a story." She laid back on her pillow and twisted a lock of her hair. "When I was little, there was an assembly at school, ugh, this is so embarrassing!"

"Keep going, you're making me feel better."

She could hear the smile in his voice.

"Okay, but don't tell a soul! So....I only had to say a single word, but it was a big word for a first grader okay? The word was "Independence" and I had practiced this word for days, I knew it by heart! I even had a little card that had the word on there! So anyways, our class sang some inspirational song and then we had to say our words one by one. The girl next to me said her word -everyone said their word, no problems- and handed the microphone to me, and guess what I said?"

He giggled, really getting into her story, "What? What did you say?" He urged her to keep going.

"I literally held the microphone to my mouth, turned my head to the girl beside me and whispered, into the microphone, "What's this word?" Every single person there lost their shit laughing!"

Jungkook was rolling on the other end as well but tried to hide it.

"And the worst part is they recorded it! I'm sure it's out there on the internet somewhere, who knows, maybe I'm famous and don't know it."

This time he couldn't contain his laughter. He imagined a little Y/N in pigtails standing up on stage in a cute little dress.

"I see somebody feels better now?" She asked, gloating.

"Yes baby, I feel much better. Thank you for sharing that, I didn't mean to laugh, I just saw you as an adorable little girl." He said playfully.

"You're the best, you know that?" He asked her.

"You deserve the best, my little bunny." She replied in a such a cute little voice he could imagine her pinching his cheeks as she said it.

"Thank you for making me feel better, I'll let you go back to sleep now."

They made cute kissy noises and ended the call.

Okay so no lie, that whispering into the microphone thing literally happened to me in the first grade and I was mortified! Anybody else wanna share embarrassing stories here?

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