Namjoon and Y/N

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                   Namjoon took Y/N by the hand, leading her into a dimly-lit club and over to a table for two. She looked at the tables and chairs with anxiety, the height of them coming up to her chest. She shrugged and hiked herself up on one of the chairs and slid right off, Namjoon catching her easily and assisting her this time.

"Thank you, I'm a little short for this place." She laughed shyly.

"Six Whiskeys and two sodas please," Namjoon told the waiter as he whizzed by the table and nodded his head. Namjoon turned his attention back to Y/N, "It's my's always a good thing having someone shorter and taller, they can both reach places the other can't." He laughed.

"I never thought about that before," she leaned back as the lightning-fast waiter placed their drinks on the table and was gone before anyone could say thank you. Namjoon squinted at her and tilted his head, "Still worried about him? Relax a little....I've got eyes on him...drink up." He pushed a shot over in front of her with the tip of his finger and she gulped it down, "Okay, but I shouldn't have too much, maybe just one or two."

"That's my girl!" Namjoon winked at her as he slid another shot in front of her. She slammed that shot down and visibly cringed as she sipped some of her soda.

He leaned back in his chair and rested his foot on his knee, "So tell me about Y/N...I want to know how you managed to reel the Golden Maknae in, I mean, I already know you're a good person, obviously....but what makes you tick? What are your likes and dislikes?"

She looked off into the distance as she bit her lip, "There's nothing special about me....I guess I'm just confused as to why he married me....I love rainy days and thunderstorms....sunny days with clear skies depress me sometimes but I'm not sure why." She giggled as she glanced at him. "And I'm very competitive, I guess....I beat him at several games already....he hates it, but I think deep down he likes it too."

"I would agree with that wholeheartedly," He laughed, "He loves to win....but he loves a challenge more." He gulped a shot down, "Hey, I know this song, come with me!" He grabbed her hand before she could refuse and lead her to the dance floor. She felt that the alcohol was getting to her as she followed him, protesting and giggling like a school girl, "I've never danced before! I'll look like an idiot!" She laughed some more.

He turned around to her, putting one hand on her hip and pulling her in close to him, giving her a strange look, "You're married to Jungkook and you've never danced before?" He questioned her, taking the lead and swaying back and forth.

"We have more deep conversations than anything....holding hands, things like that."

She mimicked him perfectly and didn't step on his shoes one time. She laid her head on his chest as they slow danced while coming to the realization that as romantic as Jungkook was, they hadn't had a lot of romance in their marriage.

The end of the song pulled her out of her thoughts, "See? You did great!" He cheered as he lead her back to their table and helped her up on the chair again.

She laughed feeling the warming sensation of the alcohol flow through her body, "I lack rhythm, confidence, and the general ability to dance!" She joked, her eyes going wide as the waiter brought them three more shots.

"I also talk too much about stupid things when I get drunk....just a warning." She commented, slamming down another shot.
Namjoon snickered, "Don't worry....I do too."

After Y/N finished off most of their drinks with Namjoon's encouragement, he took her back to his hotel.

"Care for another drink?" Namjoon asked her as he poured some chilled wine into a glass and handed it to her.

"Wow, I really shouldn't but as long as I gots you with me, I'm gooooood!" She slurred her words, practically singing the end of her sentence.

She gulped it down and handed the glass to him, "Again! Again!" She laughed as he poured her more and sat down beside her.
"Damn Y/N, you're pretty fun, I can't believe we haven't hung out before."

She rolled her eyes and poked him in the arm, "I apparwently haven't done anything since I got marriaged," she shook her head, "I mean married." She corrected her self, pointing her finger in the air.

She looked at her phone and saw several messages from Jungkook. "Oh snap! He's been texting me and OH SHIT!" She shoved her phone in Namjoon's face, "He's mad at me! Why's he mads at meeeeeeee?" She whined.

Namjoon took the phone as Y/N rambled on incoherently. "I think he just has the wrong idea, it'll be fine, I'll explain everything to him." He stood up and gave her the phone back, "Come on, we'll go to his hotel and I'll straighten everything out."

"Okay, I'm coming!" Y/N gulped down another glass of wine while Namjoon headed towards the door and skipped after him, giggling wildly.

He opened the door for her and she tilted to the side, losing her balance right in mid-step and he grabbed her by the waist to steady her, when Jungkook stepped in, causing them both to stagger backwards.
"Kunjook!" She scrunched her nose, "Junkgook......Jaykaaaaay!"
Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows at her and looked over her head to Namjoon, glaring.

"It's not what you think, I followed you here...not her, I was just trying to help." Namjoon explained.

Jungkook stared at him and suddenly lifted her up over his shoulder causing her to squeal, "You were trying to help by getting my wife drunk out of her mind?"

"No....I...that's-Wait! Let me help you get her in the car at least, you'll hurt yourself."

Jungkook walked into the hall and turned around, "I'm already doesn't matter anymore."

Y/N raised her head, "Am I in trwouble?"

He smacked her on the ass, "Yes, you are."

Well that definitely looked incriminating 🤨 but RM is a sweetie!

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