Who's Your Bias?

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Thank you so much for getting this far! I couldn't be happier! This is totally random, but has anyone seen that Larva Island cartoon? I LOVE the little red and yellow guys and watch them almost as much as BTS 🤣😂🤣

                         Once the concert was over, the rest of the members gathered in the room with Jungkook as he laid sprawled out on the couch, mentally punishing himself with "what if" scenarios, completely disgusted by himself, and yet, oddly giddy.

"So let me get this straight," Namjoon said, taking a sip of his drink. "They want him to pay two million actual dollars, not won, but dollars.....because he just happened to be there when this all went down?"

The manager shifted in his seat, "Not exactly, because if he hadn't been there trying to help, his bracelet would have never cut her face, and that's really what the money is about." The members cut their eyes at him.

"But I saw him, he only tried to keep the guy fixing the light from hurting himself.... if he hadn't taken some of the blast, the staff, maybe even the girl, could be dead right now, he may have saved everyone's life." Jimin argued.

"But that's hard to prove, and they want to settle with her before letting her leave. I know it's not ideal, but it's what has to happen."

Jungkook raised up, "I'll pay whatever, it's just money. She's worth much more than that."

The members exchanged glances and looked back at Jungkook, puzzled.

"I mean her face." He looked at everyone with his eyes wide, "Her wound, it's pretty expensive to get stitches." He saw the creases in their foreheads and started stuttering, "I-I j-just mean-" Namjoon shook his head grinning, "He's got it bad, like, really bad." Jungkook's doe eyes widened and looked around at them, "No," he said, shaking his head, but convinced no one as he started snickering. "Ohhhh, our little Jungkook's in love!" Jin laughed, causing Jungkook's face to turn red. "No. I'm not, really." He pouted, "I just feel really bad for her." He nodded his head matter of factly. He couldn't be in love, could he? Nah, he just liked how she made him feel. Totally normal, right? Right.

~ ~

"So, you understand that this will be a lump sum and once you sign this contract you are not to speak of this incident with anyone outside of Jungkook and myself," He handed her his business card, "And you are waiving your right to sue or seek anything further from Jungkook or the company, do you agree?" The attorney asked Y/N.

"Yes sir, but you really don't need to pay me, I will sign a contract without that, I know no one did anything on purpose."

The lawyer adjusted his glasses and thumbed through the papers, "Exactly, that's why this is being settled outside of court. No one's at fault, and you are both agreeing to it. Go ahead, sign right there." He pointed his pen to the bottom of the page and she nodded her head. Maybe giving her the money was what they thought they had to do, but she didn't like being thought of as a potential problem.

He gave her a copy of the document and they walked her out into the hallway where Jungkook had been leaning up against a wall trying to look cool, but instead of coming off as the cool guy, he startled as the door flew open.

It didn't matter to Y/N though, he already had a place in her heart for being the absolute sweetest guy she had ever met, and that was the coolest, in her mind anyways. "Y/N, right?" Jungkook asked, "I hope you don't mind me being here, I wanted to make sure I talked to you before you left." He noticed at least 20 people all coming out of the room behind her all of the sudden and one man tapped Jungkook on the shoulder, "We'll be waiting in the lobby, whenever you're ready, Jungkook, please bring her down there."

"Yeah, sure, it won't take but a minute." He told the man, turning his attention back to Y/N. "I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am.... and that I will do anything to try and make this up to you... I know nothing will make it a hundred percent, but.... " He picked at his fingers aggressively, "I feel I should do something."

She felt horrible for him as she watched a single tear roll down his reddened cheek. "It's okay, really, I don't blame you at all. You did nothing wrong." He knew he had always had a bit more empathy than the average person, but this was advanced, even for him, and he didn't care to question it as his eyes lit up. He lifted his head and tilted it to the side, "Really? You don't blame me?" He asked, wiping his face with his sleeve. "Of course not, you were only trying to help that man, he's very lucky to have you, who knows what would have happened if you hadn't been there. In fact, if he had taken all of the current himself, he might not be here. You're a hero." She smiled.

A hero? Him? Nahhhh.... really? "I did hear someone else say that, now that you mention it, but no, I don't think I'm a hero, I didn't save you, I pulled you into it!" He was sure he was at least at fault for that much.

"I'm glad you did. This has been an amazing experience, actually. I mean, I did get to talk to you, didn't I?" She giggled. His face lit up, smiling so big his eyes almost disappeared as he held his hands together cutely, "I'm glad I could talk to you too." He got a hold of himself and cleared his throat, "But I still feel bad, will you let me make it up to you?"

"You really don't have to do anything, I swear, but if you insist, I definitely won't refuse." Her grin never left her face. He pushed his hair behind his ear, "Okay, good. I will think of something, can I have your number or.... " He stopped himself, of course her number would be international, "What apps do you have? Can I have your username?" She agreed and he ran off to get a pen, returning almost as fast as he left. She wrote her username down and he spelled it out to make sure he understood it. "Awesome, would you like me to sign something for you?"

She looked around and then down at the legal documents they had given her, "Ugh, all I have are these papers, and I wouldn't want you to sign them, they're no fun." He nodded, "Okay, hold still then." He moved up close to her and laid his hand on her shoulder, holding his pen up to her gauze. As careful as he could be, he lightly signed his name with a big heart, "That looks good!"

"Awe, you're so sweet! Thank you so much, for everything!" She went to give him a handshake as he leaned in for a hug at the same time, "Oh," She held her arms open instantly, "I'd love a hug!" It was a normal friend hug, their bodies not touching in any way, but they both knew there was something there, drawing them nearer to each other. They quickly ended the hug and he smiled at her even bigger, "Shall we, then?" He held his arm out in front of him, motioning for her to go first. "Oh!" He stopped in his tracks as she turned around, "I forgot to ask you who your bias is! It would help me to know so that I can plan something special."

Her eyes darted to the floor and she could feel her face turn red. "Uh well," She laughed, "It's actually you." The corners of his mouth curved into a smile, he had already known, he just wanted to hear it out loud.

After he took her to the lobby and they waived good bye for far too long, they escorted her out of the building and to her car. As she drove home, the events that took place finally hit her. Her bias had saved a man, injured her in the process, and had insisted on doing something to make it up to her. Yep, that was her bias! Suddenly it dawned on her, she had been paid to keep quiet. PAID... TO KEEP QUIET. She wouldn't have told anyone anything anyways, they most certainly didn't need to give her anything, but the word NO wasn't in their vocabulary. That was okay though, she would go see a lawyer in the morning about getting the funds returned back to them somehow and everything would be fine. What the hell was she going to do with two million dollars anyways, buy a yacht and go sailing as she ate caviar and truffles, downing the most expensive wine available? No, that just wasn't her thing.

Forget the money, give me the man! Who's with me? Also, he could hit me with his car and I'd say thank you 🤣 okay, okay, I'll behave! So....who's YOUR lovely bias? I'd love to know! Every vote goes to JK 🤣 okay not really but thank you if you vote 👍

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