Chapter: 56

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Honestly, the last few days were not easy for me, still sometimes I find myself struggling. But things are getting better.

While on the other hand, things are somewhat interesting between me and Alec. Well, we are behaving as nothing has happened, it is like our own way of taking things slow. Even though I haven't seen him since that night, but he messages me often just to check on me. Every night he calls me and sometimes we fall asleep while talking.

Washing my hands, I start to prepare coleslaw as I check the time. Pops is hosting a barbeque dinner for his friends. Every month or two, all his friends plan these small get-togethers to stay in touch with each other.

"Need any help?"

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise to find Alec standing in the kitchen. He purses his lips to stop himself from smiling at my surprised expression. Stuffing his hands in his blue denim, he walks towards me and my heart slightly picks up speed.

"Hey." I smile at him, "What are you doing here?"

"Frank invited me," he says then let out a small chuckle when he watches me frown in confusion.

Pops didn't mention anything about inviting him, neither he has told me about coming here, even when we have just talked last night.

"I wasn't sure if I will be able to make it, so that's why I haven't said anything to you." He shrugs and looks at the counter over my shoulder, on which various food items are sprawled. Some prepared and some waiting to be prepared.

Turning around, I continue mixing ingredients and from the corner of my eye, I watch him further walking into the kitchen as he leans against the counter. Soon all the side dishes which Pops asked to prepare are ready.

"All done." I proudly smile at all the dishes which I have prepared and that too, on time.

"Yeah?" He asks, then holding my elbow he pulls me towards him, "Now, come here."

"How are you feeling?" He loosely places his hands on my waist, his voice is full of concern.

"Not okay." I give him a half-hearted smile, "But I will be okay," I answer with sincerity.

That letter has affected me deeply and I don't know how long will it take for me to be completely okay. But slowly I am attempting to pull myself together and coming to terms with reality.

He lightly caresses my cheek with the back of his hand, "Remember I will be always there for you. Whenever things will become tougher and you will feel weak under the weight of difficulties, I will be there to support you."

"But, promise me one thing, Avery," he says while holding my face, "No matter what happens, you will never try to do something like that again. Promise me."

"I promise." Swallowing my emotions, I smile at him.

A small and relieved smile appears on his lips then his eyes drop to my lips. Soon I find him leaning towards me, but quickly placing my hand on his lips I stop his advances.

"You can't kiss me." Shaking my head, I pin him with a serious expression.

"Why?" Removing my hand, he tilts his head slightly to the side looking a bit lost.

"I may have given you my first and second kiss, but this doesn't mean I am going to give you my third kiss also." I raise my eyebrows, "I don't know what are your intentions, mister?" My serious demeanor slightly cracks.

"Action speaks louder than words." His lips alleviate in a teasing smile, "And I think last time I made myself very clear through my actions."

"This girl needs to hear words, Alec." Stepping away from him, I start to walk backward while laughing.

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