Chapter 33- Mother

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"So are you Mitsuki, what are you doing at this hour? And with coffee?" She chuckled, pulling out a chair to sit in while a laptop was stationed in front of her.

"Well, Masaru works for Hero HQ in Tokyo as part of the hero uniform design agency. Whenever he has big write-ups and spreadsheets he usually has me look over them because I kick his ass in math. Financial calculus and algebra were always my strong suits so he and I work well together. Tell me, sweetcheeks, did ya like ya new costume?" She spoke with a smile as she sipped her piping hot coffee as if it were nothing.


"He saw your uniform request come in and he personally commandeered the project. He personally designed it, had me help pick out the fabric and everything. He suggested some sort of rhinestones but I was the one who wanted the metals mixed in with the fabric for the shine. You like it?" You wanted to cry at the absolute thoughtfulness Katsuki's parents had for you. To personally oversee a project during his already busy workweek, Masaru and Mitsuki must have really thought you were part of the family.

A family. You had a family...that loved you...and cherished if even the hottest of cerulean flames couldn't burn them away.

You had to cup your hand over your mouth to stop yourself from sobbing audibly, the choking of the absolute anguish clogging your throat from speaking. Your cheeks streamed with tears, Mitsuki's scarlet eyes going wide, placing her coffee cup on the table and standing up. 

"Oh sweetheart...what's wrong?" The comforting motherly voice she gave you only made you cry harder as Mitsuki embraced you. She was so warm and soft, and having someone who genuinely cared for you and wanted to protect you as if you were her reminded you of how you felt when All Might took you under his wing. 

Katsuki noticed how long you were taking to come back to his room, so he pulled out of his game and took a short break to check up on you. He made it to the end of the hallway when he heard you sobbing, his mother comforting you. His heart nearly stopped and broke at the sound, for some reason your tears reached a deep part of his heart, one that he rarely ever exposed. Katsuki, as aggressive and agitated as he could be, had a caring and nurturing side of him too. After all, he was going to be a hero right? 

The blond pressed himself to the wall, listening to you as you revealed your heart to his mother, the first motherly experience you've had in nearly ten years. Maybe there was a reason you didn't have the heart to share this pain you felt with him...and he realized that maybe sometimes having an embrace from a mother that loved you was the best cure for the pain. Katsuki just stayed...and listened quietly...his heart stinging as he listened to what you said. 

"M-my...parents...they were killed by villains. I was only eight years old." Mitsuki's grip on you tightened, not really knowing too much of your past...until now.

"This man...this fucking villain...he slit my parents' throats...he dissolved their bodies into ash...and there was nothing I could do." Katsuki and Mitsuki froze at the same exact time hearing you say it aloud. Katsuki knew they were dead...he never knew how gruesome and brutal their deaths were...and right in front of you too. That image was glued in your mind for years...and even now sometimes the agony you were in was stuck with you too. How else were you supposed to respond to such as horrid trauma? How were you supposed to recover with no one but a blade and a hit list to comfort you when all you wanted was to die honorably...alongside the only people who ever loved you.

"Then...there was another in the group...he...he burned the rest of my village down...the people inside were burned alive. Cremated in their own homes...I could smell the ash, the stench of human corpses. That smell...Mitsuki that smell still haunts me...I still have nightmares...I still can hear their screams...there were moms, dads, babies...they all were burned alive and I couldn't fucking stop them!" You practically were screaming at this point, never able to get all of this weight off your chest before. Katsuki covered his mouth, never hearing this part of the story before. It was as if time stopped when you said the next sentence.

Protecting You (Katsuki Bakugo x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin