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This is the final chapter!!!


I had never cried as much as I did the final day in the arena. The realisation I was coming home, and the fact that 3 young children choose to help me. They ate berries and died.

The tears didn't stop there. The victors stood waiting applauding. Most not crying but in the corner stood Renee, tears threatening to fall. I could notice that nobody hadn't cried. Even Victoria had tears on her cheeks.

I doubt there were many dry eyes watching the last day unfold. I know that some people probably cried together.

I sit in a room with my stylist. She doesn't talk to me much. She's here for careers and careers only. I'm not a career. Yet she still makes me look perfect.

The ocean reflects off the dress she has given me. Even better than Katniss's fire dress but nobody can live up to those standards. A ringing noise fills my ears as I am called.

Silence. I can't hear anything as I see the capitol cheering with their hands. Many with slips containing bets on me. Everyone is staring at me when I snap back to reality.

"So how does it feel" Caesar asks. "Being a victor"

I look at him and slightly smile. I have to make them like me. "Surreal. I mean yesterday feels years ago. I'm going to forget it anytime soon"

"Nobody will" Caesar says. "One of the saddest moments in Hunger Games history"

The interview drags on and on. I get to see some of the terrifying moments I only heard or saw in the sky. Then it's the last minutes. I just look onwards. Not many victors have survived watching the saddest moments.

I run into the clearing and the alliance are waiting for me with someone beneath them. Then the far familiar 20th cannon booms. Its them and me.

Turning to face me they all smile pulling out a handful of berries each. As the trio takes a step towards me I brace myself for death. I begin to notice the berries shade is similar to nightlock.

The trio are all looking happy but sad at the same time. I know who they are but I couldn't quiet put my finger on it.

"Don't bother" The boy says throwing down his weapons with the girls following. He turns away from me and points to a camera. "Hey mum, and dad and Ashley, I guess I'm dying"

Those words touched me. Those words made me want the games to end with 4 victors not 1. They were going to save me, let me win. He turned to me and smiled. "I know she is much more deserving, one kill in defence is a lot better than a total of 6 alliance kills in pure cold blood so I'm sorry but I can't go home this time"

Then it's the younger girl. "I have nothing much to say but I love you. Be strong without me even though you are stronger than me. As long as I'm with my friends and knowing your their watching I'm willing to lay down my life to save one better"

Then it's the final girl. "I'm sorry Clare" she says nothing else before turning to me and smiling with tears to match my own. "Don't cry. You've won"

Then the recording ended. Tears on every cheek. I had to watch three young children die in front of my eyes.

Caesar asks me to stand and the president enters. Crown in hand announces me victor. I did it. I won. But did I really win.

I mean now I'm haunted by the faces of 23 young children who had their lives taken from them like the pacifier when they cried. All of which I had been having dinner with just weeks ago. They all are dead now there last meal being something rotten or sweet.

I was even stupid enough to have allowed someone to ally with me. Now there gone and all I can think about. He was only 12.

"Good job" Amy says as I get off the stage. "Your dress isn't as good as mine though"

"I guess" I say somberly.

She just smies and takes my hand dragging me to the victors lounge. "Its time for us to see the bets"

"Victors bet? I thought it was illegal" I say confused.

"Amoungest ourselves, It's very entertaining to do apparently only Aysha bet on me" Amy says. "Betting for your own tribute is farly uncommon"

The room is large and magnificent. The 23 other victors stand around a board with 24 names on it. I can see mine at the end of the second row.

"Now they are here lets go!" The victor I assume is Victoria says. "First up Cara, Cooper, Albert and Weaver"

It turns out only Cooper and Cara had votes of one a peice. THen it goes to Lana and Bolt. They had the same. Ellie was next with 5 votes, and Victor with 3.

It goes on and on until we reach the final 4. Vivian with 3, Viscera with 1 and Bonnie with 3. Then the winners are annouced. 2 single slips get pulled out from the envelope with my name on it.

"Congrats to Amy and" She almost seems to pause while reading the name over and over again in her head. "Renee!"

I smile slightly that one of the most adorned victors expected me to win. Amy was understandable she was routing for me the whole way.

After the end of the night Amy goes on the train with me back home. But home felt like something I would never reach again. I wouldn't see my family again but here we are. Back where I started on the train heading to my death but now on my way back to where I came for.

Amy suddenly breaks my happy silence. "Who did you win for?"

I look at her confused.

"Everyone won for one person in particular. Aysha her brother, Katniss her sister" Amy smiles a bit thinking of a good memory. "Me my old friend, to prove I wasn't weak"

Then I think a bit. Of course I won for my family but was there something more that I wanted to win for. Then it hit me like a speeding bullet. It was always my family but once I got into the games it changed.

A good change.

The young boy from district 12 who I swore to protect died in my eyes when I could have easily killed his murderer. But I didn't. I instead promised to win for him as he died.

My eyes glassy I turn to Amy muttering a single word. His name. "Ash" Instead of breaking down and crying I smile.

Amy just comes and hugs me before going to her room.

By the time I wake up I can see the crystal blue sea of district four greet me. Amy is already ahead of me waiting at the door.

"It's a good feeling isn't it" Amy says smiling. "You won"

Then for the first time she calls me by my own name and then I realise I am home. Because Damn you survived.

You survived hell Sierra. 

Snow is Melting - Book 1 - A Hunger Games Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now