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Aysha's POV - 11 

Caesars pleading eyes took everything from Lynx. He was like the father she never had. I was almost alone. Harper was nowhere to be seen, Lynx was in pieces and Amy... Amy was... gone. Snow destroyed her. She could have lived for years but Snow took everything from her.

Being alone causes me to remember the things I am or have been missing. First off I missed Jordan's 19th birthday last week. Who knows if he's alive or not. Then Viscera's Birthday 2 days ago. Hopefully, she survived 10's attack. We have heard nothing from Lara. Not because she's an Avox. I still don't understand why Amy took so little and had effects so large.

We constantly have additions to the cells. I got to see Felicity's sister Bryn who was rumoured dead. The people that were with Bonnie are expected to arrive soon.

I fiddle with my wristwatch. It gets handed down through my family. It's a challenge like a thing. The oldest child gets it when it is broken. They then have to make it work again. Once they do they are an adult. Jordan got it finished when I was mentoring during Amy's games. He broke it and when I came back he gave it to me. I have almost done it. In our family, Adulthood means free of judgement for who you love.

There was a boy that I went to school with before my games. He wasn't very smart. I told my parents but because of judgment, they wouldn't let me. When he gave me cards I had to put it in the bin. It broke my heart. I learned to not follow love but for love to come to me. I still needed to fix the watch first. Then maybe Jordan's children can have it. If he's alive.

A swarm of people locked in chains walk in. District 10. They all look mortified. I spot Vivian holding onto his older sisters hand so very tightly. There are screams of terror. The guards shooting everyone that steps out of line. By the time they reach all of the cells 3/4s of the people are lying on the floor. I hear people screaming for their loved ones to come back.

Then all of a sudden I hear a ticking noise. I look down at the wristwatch. The handle is moving fast and freely. I hear some loud footsteps.

"Can I have that back now?" The new prisoner asks.

I freeze in place. The man with voice looks at me. His eyes are his normal green. He has his geeky district 3 sides to him along with his strong build. His brown hair is slicked back. Jordan.

He gets shoved onto the floor in front of me. I pick up a rock and throw it at the guard. He rubs his head and mutters to himself. Jordan sits up so lively. His attitude is peculiar. It's perkier than usual.

"So how Amy?" He says like nothing is wrong.

"I don't know..." I say and he frowns. "She's having herself taken from her, insanity taking over, she needs someone like you to talk to her"

He hugs me stealing the watch and making it break again.

"Come on!" I groan. "Now I have to fix it again"

"Amy's turn sis," He says cheeky throwing it up in the air and catching it.

All I can do is laugh because soon all that I know will be dead.

Amy's POV -

I cradle myself back and forth. Aysha's watch ticking has stopped. It hurt. My head feels like infinite pain. I can speak better. The others have no clue what they are doing to me.

Jordan walks by me and shuffles backwards to me. He tosses me something gold. Aysha's watch. He sits down next to me holding me close to keep me safe and warm.

I investigate the watch. I shake it 3 times and open the watch. I force the arm to move. I spin it for about a minute then close the lid. I toss it back to him.

"You people from 3 overcomplicate things," I say but keep my head down.

I can hear him struggle to comprehend how I did it so fast. I smirk but then I frown.

"Amy, they are gone all of district 4 is gone You could have saved us Amy' I scream very loudly. 'But you only thought of yourself, time will come because it has begun'

I clasp my hands over my ears. I scream and scream and scream.

My vision is blurred with pictures of my future, I see Jordan on the ground. Dead. I just scream in pain. I see Aysha on the ground. Dead. I see everyone dead. But for me. I look and see that all of them have the same 3 holes. The 3 holes that a trident makes. I scream and scream. There is one person stumbling towards me.

"Oh dear Amy you cant help everyone"

I scream. I continue to rock back and forth. Jordan rushes to my side. At first, it was making me insane. Now they are tipping me on the breaking point. Everyone in 4 is dead. Almost everyone in 10 is dead. They are eliminating the districts to see how long we will last.

"You ok?" Jordan asks.

I just shiver. I had one millilitre of some kind of poison while probably now Aysha has had a litre.

"Jordan..." I quiver. "How can you be so happy?"

"Because there is no point crying when you die, people will think you are brave-" He pauses because there is a defining scream then a gunshot. "Unlike them"

I nod. I stand up. I have been sitting down for days and the weight on my legs are struggling. I fall down. Jordan rushes to help me up. I smile. He holds me in a more comforting way. I manage to stand and walk. I move next to Aysha.

"Will the games ever stop?" Aysha asks.

"By the look of things, yes, but we won't be able to celebrate," I say.

She turns and looks me. A wide smile spreads across her face. I just hug her and Jordan joins in.

Bonnie's POV -

Too many dead. Not enough saved. Too many dead. Yet I'm still alive. I sit on the edge of the roof. I could end it all now. But I won't for Vivian. I heard they got caught. All of them. The world was fleeing because of my victory. My friends. They eliminated 10 and 4. I heard 12 will be gone in a few days time.

I tried to let the guards let me see Vivian. They wouldn't let me. I can hear Viscera screaming. I caused it to her. I can hear screams everywhere. Inside and Out. I hear footsteps on the roof.

"She was a great leader," A sweet voice says. "She was a great friend"

"Who are you?" I ask. The voice is placed in the back of my head. I can't quite match it.

"Oh Bonnie you know who I am but you don't want to say," She says in a tenser tone. I know who it is now. She steps in the moonlight.

"Clare!" I gasped looking at my sister like the friend being held by the neck life slowly draining from her. "She is your friend!"

"WAS!" The girl screams.

"Bonnie... Please..." Clare chocks before going limp.

Before I know it there is a knife in the girl's heart. My knife. Most of the time I feel bad. This time, however, I don't. She deserved it. I kick her body off the roof along with Clare. Her last words etched in my mind.

Finally an update on time!

Just warning you that I AM NOT UPDATING NEXT WEEK AT ALL! I have to much stuff on next week that I can't upload and I know I can't maybe if I get a few votes and reads I might update on Tuesday or Wednesday.

See Y'all - Kaiya.

Snow is Melting - Book 1 - A Hunger Games Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now