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Blair's POV - 17

"Blair!" My older sister Briar yells from the kitchen. "You need to get dressed!"

I see that she is dressed in a pasty greeen dress. I am currently in overals.

"Mama let me buy you a dress!" Briar says and I charge inside. On my bed is a nice bejeweled red dress.

"Briar thank you soooooo much!" I say hugging her tightly and she begins to fit me.

The dress fit's perfectly. If I get picked I could win the sponser's in a second. But people never get reaped at 12. Unless your from District 10,11 and 12. I don't take tesserae but Briar does as well as my best friend Secera. I have best shot at not going in throughout all the teens of district 7.

"Oh My God!" Secera says watching me walk into the square. "You look like a princess!"

"I feel like one too!" I tell her. "You look nice"

"Thanks!" Secera says smiling.

"Ok today is the reaping for the 81st annual hunger games!" the escourt says. "OK! Ladies first!"

Her hand dips into the bowl and everyone crosses there fingers hoping to not be picked 18-year olds more than others. The name is read and I freeze.

"Secera Holster!"

I'm about to walk foward and voulenteer but Secera stops me. "Your sister and mother would kill me if you voulenteered,"

She walks up to the stage with so much confidence for a 12-year-old. She isn't even acting.

"Ok now men!" The escourt says. I pray it's not one of my friends, Thyme.

"Thyme Flurosence!"

I think I should stop praying.

Two of my friends entering the games together. Could my day get any worse?


"Thyme Flurosence with a score of... 6!" Thyme doesn't stand a chance in the arena and he knows it.

"Secera Holster with a score of ... 11!" My father says happily. Mama must have told him they are my friends. Even if I didn't know he was my dad until last week. "The 12-year-old from 7 has done it!"

Maybe one of my friend's can come home.


"Thyme! Secera!" Caesar says. They requested to be interviewed together as they would have similar answers. "Ok! First question is for Secera," Secera turns to him smiling. "Who was the girl you talked to before going up on stage? And what did you say?"

"Her name is Blair and she has an older sister by 3 years that is called Briar, and a mum called London!" Now reliving the moment I see a tear beginning to form in his eye and him biting his lip. "I told her that if she volunteered they would kill me as she is there everything as her father came to work in the capitol a few months before she was born"

"Thyme do you know Blair?" Ceaser asks.

"Yes, she's one of my close friends along with Secera and Holly before she moved to 5, me and Secera both want to win for her" Thyme explains.

"What will happen if you are the final 2?" Ceaser asks.

"I'll sacrifice myself to let Secera win, she has a whole family and life ahead of her" Thyme says immediately so Secera can't say a word.

"Ok! Let's talk weapon choices!" He says changing it from the slightly depressing topic. "Well we saw Secera score the highest score along with Miss Lynx Colten from district 12! It also, acording to records, was the highest score every achived by a 12-year-old! What weapon did you use?"

"A bow and some special stuff, it really wowed the gamemaker's i guess," Secera answered.

"I tried to use a mace but my power isn't strong enough to kill in one blow but definitely in 2 or 3" Thyme says.

"Thyme, Secera do you think you could be like Aysha last year?" Ceaser asked.

"I would like to think so, and Aysha I'm sorry about your family and brother in the games I won't kill him for you" Secera pleas. "I promise"

"OK thats all we have time for folks next up is..." My father's voice fades out.


"THYME!" The only word Secera manages to yell as Harper drags her away from the fight. I owe Harper and Lynx my life for protecting her.

"Secera..." Thyme whimper's before silencing as the boy from 2 slits his throat. I yelled when I watched it. Now seeing through Secera's eyes it is even more painful.

How did she deserve being reaped?

I could have been anyone else.




"Sydnie..." I say continuing to comfort the shaking girl. Her sister just feel lifeless at the hands of a murderer. A cruel vicious one from 2. The same district that killed my only friends.

"Blair? Is this what you felt like when Secera and Thyme died" I nod feeling pain thinking of the pair. I completely isolated myself when I saw Secera die. I always had a hope in my ear saying that she wasn't dead but something always told me she is. "Blair get everyone in the square, 5 days from now this is a revolution,"

I nod.


All I remember was asking a question.

"Who was that?"

And getting a simple answer back.

"Dad, and he's never coming back"

That moment my life crashed down. The moment I lost all I had to love. Briar lied to me so did mama. Could I even count them as family anymore?

"Briar... I miss Thyme and Secera" I tell her as she tucks me into bed.

"We all do" Is all she says before kissing my forehead.


I only stand still in this immense battle for a moment and then I see her. She stands there alive with a bow and a quiver over arrow's slung over her shoulder.

I however is weaponless and stuck on the other side of the battlefield facing my most unventible death. But yet It never comes. I watch the battle rage on and yet she never notices me.

I take a step forward looking directly at Snow with my determined eyes. He took everyone I cared for away from me. He needs to feel my pain. I continue to walk forward closer and closer to him and Secera.

Snow just smiles and points to person standing behind me. I shouldn't have looked and only one word comes out.


As promised an upload. This chapter is my favourite because it let me dig a little into one of my favourite characters. 

Secera and Blair were going to be some of the main characters (with: Bayley, Amy, Jordan and Erabella) in the second book so I wanted to make her have something special. 

I am now going to begin to re-write chapter 18, and maybe an epilouge. I will warn you that very few will survive.

Snow is Melting - Book 1 - A Hunger Games Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now