Chapter 15✔️

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Emoji Chapter:🤺Fight/➕Added Scenes/Chapter

Same Day: Salvage Yard, African Coast
Inside: Churchill Ship
AnnaBeth's Vision / Flashback: Hospital
Hallway / Hospital Room 🎭

AnnaBeth/Black Shadow looks up and sees that she's in a hospital, looking around to see people in the early 90s clothing, she turns to the left and sees a 10 year old kid, running into the hospital, frantically.

The 10 year old kid screams, "Where's my sister?!" She goes up to a nurse, standing by the front desk, "My sister, Megan Williams, where is she?" The kid revealing to be Anna as a kid.

The room changes to a hospital room and older Anna/Black Shadow sees her younger self beside a girl laying unconscious on the hospital bed, revealing to be her sister—Megan, young Anna crying, "I'm so sorry Megan. I should've been there." Adult Anna/Black Shadow looks at them in sadness.

Anna/Black Shadow turns to her right to reveal her back in the hallway but the next day, she sees a doctor talking to young AnnaBeth, the Doctor tells young Anna, "I'm sorry but your sister died last night."

Young Anna starts to breath heavily, "What?" Tears start to form in her eyes.

The doctor explains gently, "She had internal bleeding." He says sincerely, "I'm so sorry."

Young Anna shaking her head frantically, "No. No!" The doctor grabs her, young Anna struggles in his arms as she cries, "Megan! No!" Adult Anna stares at her younger self with shaky breaths.

Present Time: Second Level Catwalk / Main Floor 🎭🔬

AnnaBeth/Black Shadow leaning against the wall with her right hand on her wound, staring forward in shock.

Susie/Doctor. S runs inside the ship after finding a way in, she looks around, seeing a lot of Klaue's unconscious men, she shouts a bit, "Clint?" She looks up.

Clint/Hawkeye looks over the railing and sees her, "Doc?" He gestures her to come up with his hand, "Come on up." Susie looks around and finds a staircase, making her way up.

Steve's Vision: 1945
Dance Hall / Genevieve and Bucky's Apartment 🎖

Steve looks around to see that he's in a 1940s dance hall in his army uniform, he looks around to see people dancing and laughing before he turns around and sees that he's now in a totally different room, he looks at himself to see that he's in regular 1940s clothing.

Steve looks around the place and recognizes it as Genevieve's apartment with Bucky. Just then Genevieve comes out of the kitchen with Baby James who looks about one years old in her arms, "Steve?" He turns his head to his left and looks at her shocked but also a bit confused, she asks with a happy smile, "Are you ready for our play time?"

AJ's Vision / Flashback: Military Training Field / SHIELD Training Facility 🕊

AJ/Crystal Dove walking along a military training field, seeing many recruits training, she walks up to her old sergeant and sees him shouting to her younger self as she doing push-ups, "Hurry up, Barton! 20 more to go! Move it!" AJ/Crystal Dove sees young AJ a bit tired but continues doing push-ups.

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