Chapter 39✔️

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Emoji Chapter:🤺Fight/➕Added Scenes/Chapter

Same Day: Sokovia, Eastern Europe
Inside: Abandoned Rundown Church 🔬🔭

Everyone minus Natasha, Hulk, Susie and Evelyn are in the church to protect the Vibranium Core from Ultron.

Tony/Iron Man looks around, his voice calling out, "Romanoff?"

Inside: Tony's Iron Man Suit

Tony looking forward as he calls out to Natasha, "You and Banner better not be playing 'hide the zucchini.'"

Natasha's voice tells Tony, "Relax, shellhead."

Inside: Truck

Natasha/Black Widow driving a truck as she answers, "Not all of us can fly."

Outside: Street

Natasha driving a bulldozer and taking out many robots as she drives towards the church. Natasha stops the dozer up to the fence, crushing it down.

Inside: Abandoned Rundown Church ⌨️

Wanda/Scarlet Witch takes out robot 148 with her powers as Steve's shield comes back to him with his magnetic-device, Amy/Ruby blasts robot 149.

Natasha/Black Widow walks inside the church and joins the rest of the team, she asks as Thor hits robot 150, "What's the drill?"

Tony/Iron Man points to the Vibranium Core behind him with his left hand, "This is the drill." Natasha/Black Widow looks behind her to see the Core, "If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose." Hulk jumps down and destroys robots 151 and 152 before entering the church with the rest of the team.

Outside: Sky

Ultron a little aways from the church, slowly flying down and hovers in the air, looking in the church.

Inside: Abandoned Rundown Church

Thor steps forward, looking at Ultron and he shouts challengingly, "Is that the best you can do?"

Outside: Sky / Street

Ultron lowers down a little and holds his left hand up, summoning the rest of his army of robots and they all come running, crawling and flying closer to join behind him.

Inside: Rundown Church ☘️🕊

The Maximoff siblings look outside shocked while AJ/Crystal Dove breaths out irritated as she and the Maximoff siblings looks outside to the army of robots.

Outside: Street

Ultron holds his arms out as his army gets closer to stand and hover behind him.

Inside: Rundown Church

Steve/Captain America standing beside Thor on his right, looking outside to see the army, he breaths out and says annoyed, "You had to ask." He turns his head to look at Thor irritated.

Outside: Sky

Ultron holds his arms out and his voice says smugly, "This is the best I can do." He puts his arms down and gestures to them with his left hand, "This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me." He holds his chin up proudly before his voice asks, "How could you possibly hope to stop me?"

Inside: Tony's Iron Man Suit

Tony tilts his head a bit, "Well,-" He looks to his right, "-like the old man said."

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