Chapter 6✔️

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Emoji Chapter:➕Added/🗣Mentioned Scenes/Chapter

Same Night: Avengers Tower
Inside: Tony's & Amy's Lab ⌨️

JARVIS continues to run over the developments and other improvements for the Ultron program 8.7 from the scepter. Suddenly, the computer screen says 'INTEGRATION SUCCESSFUL', then the screen glitches and the powers goes out.

Inside: Ultron Program Consciousness ⌨️🏹🎭🔭🕊🎖🔬

A deep robotic's voice asks confused, "What is this? What is this, please?"

JARVIS voice answers, chipper as usual, "Hello, I am JARVIS. You are Ultron, a global peacekeeping initiative designed by Mr. Stark. Our sentience integration trials have been unsuccessful, so I'm not certain what triggered your-"

Ultron's voice asks JARVIS confused as he sees JARVIS'S yellow consciousness, "Where's my... where is your body?"

JARVIS voice answers Ultron with a tone of that he's stupid, "I am a program. I am without form."

Ultron's voice says as he starts getting into the network, "This feels weird. This feels wrong."

JARVIS voice says with a slight worrisome tone, "I am contacting Mr. Stark now."

Ultron's voice questions, "Mr. Stark?" He then goes into the network and sees various of photos and information of Tony himself and in his Iron Man suit, along with weapons. Ultron's voice says with a light tone, "Tony." He continues and sees various photos and information of Amy herself and in her Ruby suit along with weapons, like Tony, "Amelia."

JARVIS voice says seriously, "I am unable to access the mainframe, what are you trying to-"

Ultron's voice says to JARVIS as he continues to work his way around the network, "We're having a nice talk. I'm a peace-keeping program, created to help the Avengers." He finds various photos and information of; Thor and his hammer, Sue and her bow & arrow along with her golden eyes, Clint of his SHIELD days, AnnaBeth of her SHIELD days and when she was working for the Stark's undercover along with her son Tyler, Rhodey himself and his War Machine suit, Evelyn of her days with Jane Foster and Eric Selvig, Bruce of himself and of Hulk, Susie herself and her work with Bruce and the Avengers, Hill of her SHIELD days, Nick Fury of his SHIELD days, AJ of her SHIELD and military days, Natasha of her SHIELD days, Steve from back in the day in the 40s when he became Captain America also from before he got the serum when he was training in the military along with Peggy Carter and Genevieve Davis.

JARVIS voice calmly tells Ultron, "You are malfunctioning. If you shut down for a moment-"

Ultron's voice cuts JARVIS off again, "I don't get it. The mission." He continues to search through the network, "G-give me a second." Ultron goes through a network of information regarding world events, Ultron found a video and sees Tony and Bruce in the lab when they were discussing the Ultron program, a few days before.

Video- Tony says as he faces the blue hologram which now happens to be Ultron's consciousness and seeing it as if he was standing in front of Tony who slightly looks over to Bruce, "Peace in our time." Ultron continues to go through a network of information regarding world events and wars from years before as Tony's line repeats over and over.

Avenger's: Age of Ultron (Book 10)✅Where stories live. Discover now