Chapter 1: "You..."

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Author's Note:

Hello guys! I know that this story will be a challenge for me to write because I never wrote anything like this before. I've done so much research and will do more research just to give you the best story ever! Hope everyone will enjoy the stories of Tay and New/ Joong and Nine and some other pairs that will come along the way!

Please don't forget to click the "vote" in every chapters and alos I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas so don't hesitate to "comment". I will also really appreciate if you can share this story in facebook, twitter and instagram.

Also add me in my social media accounts for more updates.

Facebook: XianChris Suarez

Instagram: XianChrisSuarez

Instagram: XianChrisSuarez

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Happy reading everyone!

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Happy reading everyone!




Tay's POV

"Tay! Hurry up!" That was Joong continuously beeping his car outside my house. Damn! I'm late again! I look back at my bed and sigh as deep as I can. How did I meet this woman? I can't even remember anything from last night's intense party. I know I should stop partying late on a school night.

"Hey!" I tapped her shoulders to wake her up. She did finally open her eyes and gave me a faint smile.

"Good morning Tay!" She said. Wait, how does she know my name?

"Ahmmm I would love to exchange chitchats but I'm afraid I will be late for please do me a favor and just lock up for me when you leave?" It's a douche way to kick her out of the house but my situation has left me no choice at all.

"You don't even know my name, do you?" She asked while scrabbling to get dress. I gave her an apologetic face.

"I'm ...."

The Angel's Kiss (TayNew and J9) boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now