Chapter 14: A Wager to Die For

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As 6-32 led the members of the rebellion through Horde Prime's ship, gun drawn and lugging Hordak on his shoulders, the three walked in silence, choking down their betrayal.

Of course he had been using us, Catra thought. She should've noticed it sooner. There was always something about him that just rubbed her the wrong way. And now? They were prisoners on Prime's ship. Again.

"You couldn't of done this before I brought Hordak to the ship," 6-32 complained. "I went through all this trouble to get him, only to bring him right back. It's annoying is what it is."

"I don't think you get a say in what's annoying," Glimmer said. "Seeing as you aren't the one of handcuffs."

"Don't take it too personally," 6-32 waved her comments aside. "It's just, well it's not like we can keep doing business as usual."

"We could've if you just told us what you were doing with the sword," Bow said. "You told us you wanted to see Prime defeated. Was that all a lie?"

"Be careful what you say on this ship," 6-32 warned.

"Why?" Catra looked back at him. "So we don't tarnish your reputation? You've only ever cared about yourself."

6-32 didn't entertain Catra's taunts, just continued guiding them to their destination.

"Well, I for one find this as deliciously intriguing as the next person," Double Trouble said, clinking their own handcuffs together. "But why couldn't I just wait in the ship Sixie?"

"Prime wanted all four of you," 6-32 said before suddenly turning his head to Double Trouble. "Wait, Sixie?"

"We had a deal," Double Trouble pouted.

"And Prime made a better one," 6-32 urged them all along. "Like I told you. It's not personal."

"He's taking us to Prime..." Glimmer whispered to Catra and Bow. "This is bad."

"You think?" Catra whispered quietly. "You barely survived the last time."

"We need to get out of here," Bow agreed. He scanned the area for escape routes but he was at a loss. The hallway they were walking down was massive with multiple corridors jutting out from the sides. With every doorway they passed, he just saw more Horde soldiers.

Looking back at 6-32, he figured the three (four including Double Trouble if they helped), could take him out. Then again, he had taken all their weapons and left them in the ship, including his bow and the sword. On top of that, even if they did overpower 6-32, the four of them would still be handcuffed with no idea how to disable them.

"Stop," 6-32 ordered. They stumbled to a halt, standing in front of a seemingly normal corridor.

"Out of curiosity," Catra asked, "What would you do if I just ran away?"

"I'd shoot you," 6-32 said deadpanned.

Catra made an act of seriously contemplating it, prompting 6-32 to nudge her forward into the room first. She reluctantly kept walking, deciding she didn't really want to test how serious 6-32 had been.

The four entered the room, which was for the most part empty and bathed in white light. At the front of it stood Horde Prime, flanked by eight guards at either side. 6-32 straightened up more at the sight, the others unintentionally doing the same.

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