Chapter 10: The Masks We Wear

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Though it wasn't much, Entrapta was able to reassure the others that she could make do with what they brought back. It wasn't up to her expectations, but it was better than nothing. They'd simply have to go on more similar runs to make up for it, although they would steer clear of the Crystal Castle from there on out.

Bow had taken charge of leading the expeditions, taking teams out to retrieve whatever they could find from various ruins. Between those and the skirmishes with Prime's foot soldiers, the rebellion was spread thin.

Catra spent most of her time in the castle, making plans, choosing who to send where. Glimmer had opted to go out and fight, happy to hand her responsibilities over to someone else. She was better in the field anyways.

Then, there was 6-32.

Much to Catra's annoyance, he wasn't able to offer a lot. Not only did he refuse to fight, but the information he brought back was becoming less and less useful.

"You're late," Catra said upon hearing the door open, not looking up from her work.

"I apologize," 6-32 said. "It's not exactly like I can work Prime's schedule around you all."

"Yeah well it's like the fifth time you've been late," Catra complained. "If you can't make it, change the time you agree to meet up."

6-32 grumbled to himself. "It's not easy going back and forth you know. And with the rumors going around-"


"Talk on the ship is that there's a traitor among us."

"Well, they're right." Catra turned to 6-32, crossing her arms. "Do they think it's you?"

"No," He shook his head. "They're thinking it's someone higher in the ranks. I've been able to slip by under the radar but it's only a matter of time."

"Is that all you have for me?" Catra asked impatiently. "We need to know what Prime is doing next, where he'll send his troops. We're barely holding them back as it is."

"If I knew I would tell you," 6-32 said slowly as though he were talking to a child. "I don't get my information from Prime himself. I have to ask around. With the witch hunt up there, there's not a lot I can do."

Catra wasn't happy with it but had to accept that was the best she'd get.

"One more thing," 6-32 said, getting ready to leave. "I'm concerned that there might be bugs planted nearby. I'll be looking for them if you need me. Until then, try not to use my name much."

"Says the guy who doesn't have a name." Catra watched as he left. Sighing she was ready to get back to her paperwork when Glimmer walked in.

"Another lovely meeting I suppose?" Glimmer asked.

"It was great," Catra responded sarcastically. "I'm so glad we have him here."

"Well you should be," Glimmer sighed. "If it weren't for him, we would've been overrun by now. Frosta and I were able to take out a good sized group near her kingdom. Are Mermista and Perfuma back yet?"


"What about Sea Hawk and Bow? Heard anything from them?"

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