Chapter 11: That One Chapter Where Shadow Weaver Gets Everything She Deserves

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About a week had passed since the intervention with 6-32 and the rebellion was happy to see morale improving.

Entrapta had indeed found a way to source out more spyware and sure enough there were some still around. While that did take up her time, she still was making good progress on the portal alongside Bow.

With the bugs being demolished, Catra found they also weren't being so easily overwhelmed, meaning Prime wasn't getting their intel anymore. She supposed she had 6-32 to thank for that.

Despite all of that, Catra found she had been working day and night. She didn't remember the last time she slept more than a few hours at a time. Maybe it had to do with keeping busy. Sleeping just ushered in more nightmares, or even worse, dreams of Adora. The pleasant ones were always the worst. Some day, she kept telling herself, some day they can be real.

The day had passed by slowly and when Scorpia got back from her mission with Lonnie and the others, the former made sure to check on Catra.

"Hey there," Scorpia greeted warmly. "How've you been?"

"Same as same," Catra yawned. She scribbled away at the battle plans in front of her, trying to decide what teams to send out tomorrow.

"You want to take a break?" Scorpia asked. "Me and the Horde crew were going to go down to the pools if you wanted to come."

"Uh, I don't know," Catra shrugged. "I still don't think they want to see me all that much."

"It was Lonnie's idea," Scorpia placed a claw on Catra's shoulder. "Everyone sees how hard you're working. You deserve a break."

"Prime isn't taking breaks," Catra said coldly. "We shouldn't be either."

Out of the corner of her eyes, Catra saw the disappointment on Scorpia's face.

"Wait, just..." Catra cursed herself. "Sorry I'm just tired is all. I didn't mean that."

"I get it," Scorpia nodded. "But you're also proving my point. Come on! This'll be good for you."

Catra still wasn't sure. She had a lot of work on her plate. Then again, she hadn't been to the Brightmoon pools yet. "Fine. Don't get used to it though."

"I'll meet you down there," Scorpia grinned. She headed out the room, beaming. Catra couldn't help but smile too. As pesky as Scorpia was, she had to admit she was happy to have a friend like her.

Catra stood up and stretched. She honestly didn't remember how long she had been sitting at that table, making her muscles stiff.

She decided to change before meeting the others, though she didn't really plan to swim. Growing up she'd always hated water and would avoid it all costs. Still, knowing the ruffians she'd be joining, she was bound to get pushed in the pool one way or another.

"You don't deserve to be friends with them again." The words echoed throughout the empty hallway.

Catra stopped in her tracks. That wasn't her inner voice, but it definitely sounded like her.

"You don't deserve to be here. You're just one bad day away from turning into the monster you know you are. They're all just waiting for it to happen."

Catra was fairly certain she knew what was happening, which truthfully only made her dread this situation more.

"Shadow Weaver?" Catra called out angrily, careful not to give away any fear. "You realize I'm not stupid enough to fall for this, right?"

"It's not a trick," Shadow Weaver appeared behind Catra. "It's the truth."

"You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face," Catra turned on her. "Which last I checked, I already did that for you."

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