Chapter 2: Harmonious Teamwork

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It couldn't have been more than ten minutes since Horde Prime had ordered Glimmer and Catra to the prison cells, and while they were to be kept alive, nothing seemed to be stopping them from killing each other.

"Stop staring at me."

"I'm not staring at you."

"You're literally staring right at me. It's creepy." Catra huffed. She sat in the corner farthest away from her newest companion, attempting to ignore her and failing.

"It's not like there's much else to look at," Glimmer said. She leaned against the wall, close enough to the barrier holding them in the small metal room that she could hear the buzz of electricity emanating from it.

"Aren't they suppose to teach you etiquette in princess school or are you just bad at that too?"

"You're going to lecture me on etiquette?" Glimmer laughed bitterly.

"I'm not going to do anything," Catra turned her back away. "I already got you out of one mess, I don't want to stick around long enough for you to make another."

"Hey wait a second." Glimmer jabbed a finger in Catra's direction. "Don't think we're even. Just because you saved us back there doesn't mean you're some miraculous hero now."

"Says the person who nearly nuked the planet," Catra grumbled. "Great idea that was."

"You opened a portal that tore through the fabric of reality!" Glimmer shouted. "You're the reason that I'll never see my mom again! At least I'm trying to fix my mistakes. What have you done?"

Catra stood to her feet, fists clenched. "I controlled an empire."

"Oh yeah? Look's like that got you real far, because last I checked, you still ended up with me." Glimmer looked away, figuring the conversation was over. Instead she thought about her home, the one she'd helped almost get destroyed. When she got back to Brightmoon, the first thing she'd have to do is apologize to Adora.

"I'm sorry."

"What?" Glimmer looked over at Catra who was staring down at the ground. She didn't look as angry as she did before.

"You're not going to make me say it again, are you?" Catra waited for a reply but didn't get one. Annoyed, she continued. "I just...I thought I had everything I wanted. Horde conquest, rule over Etheria, but I had it all and none of it made me happy. Now I'm left with nothing and I don't know what I want anymore."

Glimmer was quiet, contemplative. "Some friends would be a good start."


"I didn't mean it in a bad way." Glimmer snapped. "I'm just saying, I might know where you're coming from."


Glimmer shrugged. "You think after what I did, that you're the only one short on friends right now? I...pushed all of them away. I nearly ended the world because I couldn't bite back my own pride and listen to them."

Been there, done that, Catra thought bitterly, though the guilt was there. Surprisingly, and not without some reluctance, she found she could empathize with the princess.

Glimmer shook her head. "I just want to get back to Brightmoon. Adora needs to know I'm sorry."

"I'm sure she already knows," Catra sighed. "She has that irritating little thing she does where she sees the best in people," Catra sank into herself, "Even if they can't see it themselves." Noticing Glimmer's concerned look, Catra pulled herself back together. "Let's just agree that we both have some things to say to her. And just so you know, I meant it. What I said earlier. I made some bad decisions...really bad decisions and it hurt a lot of people. I know I might not be able to make up for that but maybe getting us out of here can be a start."

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