Chapter 9: Just a Memory

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Only a week had passed since the time travel idea had surfaced, but to many in the rebellion it felt like the longest week of their lives.

Entrapta and Bow had been working nonstop at building the portal. While Entrapta already knew how to make one, she still wasn't sure how to manipulate the when instead of the where.

The princesses had made it their job to make sure that Bow and Entrapta were eating and sleeping, seeing as if they didn't check on them, the two would never leave their work.

Meanwhile Glimmer and Catra were working tirelessly alongside 6-32, who helped smuggle information. Together, they were able to send teams out to minimize damage from Prime's patrols and wild Horde soldiers who were causing anarchy without a leader.

It seems Prime was toying with them. After all, he had the full power to wipe out the planet with his armies if he wanted to, but 6-32 insisted that he was only bidding his time, assessing the planet's power and how he wants to use it.

Today was different than most, however. Entrapta had told Bow that she needed more parts: first ones technology to be specific.

"I've sent out my bots to find matching energy signatures," Entrapta showed him her holopad, tracing a circle around the higher concentrations. "Right here is where we can maximize the most potential. If we could get a team to salvage what we can, it could move this along a lot faster."

Bow's stomach dropped. "That isn't just any first ones ruin. That's the Crystal Castle."

"If we want to make any progress, it has to be there," Entrapta insisted. "It's the only place with this powerful of readings."

Bow thought on it. Truthfully, he hadn't planned on ever going there again, but if Entrapta really thought it'd make a difference, he supposed he'd have to try.

"Alright," Bow reluctantly agreed. "I'll take a few people with me."

"Oh and Bow! One more thing," Entrapta said.


"It's about the castle. You see when I sent my bots there, they were picking up a lot of activity."

"You mean the castle is still active?" Bow's voice cracked. "It's destroyed though."

"I can't argue with the science," Entrapta shrugged. "The energy readings are high for a reason. Something is definitely still awake in that castle."

Great, Bow thought. Just what we need.

Leaving, he went directly to the meeting room, where he knew Glimmer would be. Sure enough, Glimmer was there, examining intel from one of their latest missions. Catra was there too helping her out.

"Hey," Bow said. "Can I borrow you two for a mission?"

"Depends," Catra said. "We already got a lot of people out today."

Bow explained the situation. They needed those parts as soon as possible if they wanted to make any real progress on the machine.

"I don't know," Catra said. "That place is dangerous. Last time I was there, things got bad really, really fast."

"It can't be that bad," Glimmer argued. "The place is broken down, right?"

"Did you not listen to him?" Catra argued back. "He just said that its still active."

"It's probably just old systems," Glimmer reasoned. "Right Bow?"

"I don't know," Bow answered honestly. "But when I was there last, I didn't think anything could still be working."

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