Chapter 5: A New Kind of Promise

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Of all the things Bow could have dealt with the following morning, a stolen spaceship was by far the most surprising.

"What do you mean it's just gone?" His voice cracked as he paced the empty area where the ship should've been.

"We were going to tell you earlier but then..." Perfuma faltered. "You just had enough problems to worry about."

"How do you lose an entire spaceship? It's huge!"

"Well," Perfuma clutched her arm, looking away, "After the whole energy-stealing thing, Frosta and I went to go check on the ship and..."

"And?" Bow pressed for more.

"The person was already in the ship when we got to the clearing and they took off," Perfuma admitted ashamedly. "We both tried to stop it but as weak as we were...I'm sorry Bow. We didn't get a good look at them but we were sure it was trying to reach the bigger ship. And then...Horde Prime shot it down. The whole thing...just gone."

"That doesn't make any sense," Bow groaned, massaging the back of his neck. Looking up at Perfuma, he saw how upset she was. Relaxing, Bow walked over to her. "It's not your fault."

"But it's our only way to get to Prime's ship," Perfuma said. "I-I'm sorry but things are not looking very bright right now. I'm having a hard time staying positive about all this."

"We'll find another way," Bow reassured her, and himself partially. So they didn't have a method to get onto Prime's ship. The place where Glimmer was being held. Prisoner, most likely. It was rather bleak now that he thought about it.

"Um, excuse me." A hand tapped on Bow's shoulder, except it wasn't a hand. It was hair.

"Entrapta?" Bow looked around wildly. Laughing nervously, he asked "Where did you come from?"

"I heard you were having trouble with your ship," Entrapta said, unpacking her tools in the empty clearing.

Bow and Perfuma exchanged glances.

"Yes, well," Bow said hesitantly, "The issue is that it doesn't exist anymore."

"Not with that attitude!" Entrapta laughed to the confusion of her peers. Realizing they'd need an explanation, she continued, "Give me until the afternoon at best. I already sent out my bots to retrieve the bigger pieces. The rest I should be able to adapt from my old things, although I may need to borrow from-"

"You're going to rebuild the ship," Perfuma said rather than asked, mouth agape.

"What did you think we were going to do?" Waving a wrench at the two playfully, she remarked, "If I have a chance to build a spaceship, I'm going to build a spaceship."

Bow found his hopes rising. "This is amazing! You know, if you need some help, I can always-"

"I will need your help actually."

"Really?" Bow bounced on his heels. He was going to actually build something with his idol.

"First ones tech," Entrapta said. "I won't be able to get this thing working without it. You wouldn't happen to have any, would you?"

Oh, Bow thought disappointedly.

"I'm sure we have something laying around," Perfuma said. Turning to Bow, she leaned in close. "We...we do have something laying around, right?"

Bow nodded contemplatively. Straightening up, he looked Entrapta in the eyes. "What about a sword?"


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